Just a small space between helm, chest, boots and gloves because this -
stash - 1 The Snappers - 2 Steel Grip - 3 The Face of Horror - 4 Cats Paw - 5 Thorn Spiked Boots - 6 Troll Shoe - 7 Duriels Shell - 8 Thorn Spiked Gloves - 9 Thorn Spiked Helmet - 10 Thorn Spiked Gloves - 11 Behemoth Helmet - 12 Thorn Spiked Boots - 13 Crown of Thieves - 14 Que-Hegans Wisdom - 15 Thorn Spiked Boots - 16 Que-Hegans Wisdom - 17 Thorn Spiked Helmet
is annoying to navigate