
Lord Bowler [32]
2017-05-16 07:38:08
[7 years, 19 days ago]

Step 1
Build ratiowhores up to lvl140. The following builds are just suggestions, not the best possible ones.
Level 20 Crabwhistlers (Str enough for weapon and rest points to con)
Level 30 Large Axes (Str enough for weapon and rest points to con)
Level 40 Metal Scabbards (Str enough for weapon and rest points to con)
Level 50 Mauls (Str enough for weapon and rest points to con)
Level 60 Conquest Swords
Level 70 Frozen Blades
Level 80 Frozen Blades (same build as above, rest added to con)
Level 90 Frostreavers
Level 100 Frostreavers (same build as above, rest added to con)
Level 110 Equalizers
Level 120 Equalizers (same build as above, rest added to con)
Level 130 Equalizers (same build as 110lvl but with more con)
Level 140 Equalizers (same build as 110lvl but with more con)

Step 2
Build a 130lvl showroom freaked blastermaul bot

Step 3
Build lvl 100 answerer dumpers and add those to a dumper clan so they generate energy.

Step 4
Be a nice guy and get friends. You also need to try to make your new friends join your clan. After you get your friends to join your clan, proceed to the next step.

Step 5
Try to convince your friends to do steps 1, 2 and 3. Although you can tell them to skip step 1 and lend your ratio whores. With your friends you need to repeat step 2 until you have 20 blaster maul bots total in the clan. You also need to repeat step 3 so you will have around 20 answerer dumpers per each blaster maul bot in the clan. That should be enough for winning a month if you can just unload all the energy they generate.

Step 6
Start scoring by attacking whores and dumping with your bots built during step 3. Remember to maintain dumpers ratio so they will generate energy at 60eph. The most effective way to score is to use 5 dumpers simultaneously and dump to 5 different targets.

Step 7
Repeat step 6 each month until the end of the world. You also might want to repeat step 3 every now and then to gather a huge amount of dumpers so you will have enough resources to compete when there is real competition. At this stage bots4 is not about who has the most resources, it is about who has the most time to spend playing.

If you can't win a month while performing the above steps, please try to get this built and buy a ticket to it.

PS. I am sorry for all the spelling and grammar mistakes.
The players of Bots4 deserve to know if Lord Bowler is a crook, and I am not a crook.

If you have any additional questions, please forward those to neps because he is the true master of the bots4 universe, the undisputed champion.

RealiTy [1]
2017-06-09 13:14:06
[6 years, 359 days ago]

It's complete nonsense. Shouldn't it be build a bot, attack another bot and enjoy the game ?

Fishwick [134]
2017-06-09 17:52:02
[6 years, 359 days ago]

In the same way that football team managers tactics would be "go out and put the ball in the goal"

Gpof2 [131]
2017-06-10 00:54:58
[6 years, 359 days ago]

I agree with you RealiTy. But the way you achieve that as Fish pointed out can be done in many different ways. I could build a bot and attack my other bots, I could attack others for energy, or even attack people that are online. Hell, I probably have gotten most of my enjoyment from building bots I don't even fight with (tournament bots). Dunno how some of you guys do training though, that shit is boring.

Playing for enjoyment should come first, but what causes that enjoyment is different for everybody. This guide is directed towards people who get that enjoyment from gaining consistent energy to stay competitive in the clan race. If you do not enjoy attacking your own bots to gain energy, please continue going 50/50 attacking bots with the same build as yours. Low level scoring is a good alternative for those that don't like either.

RealiTy [1]
2017-06-10 04:44:49
[6 years, 359 days ago]

Thanks for the insight Gpof2. Everything makes sense now lol

Pothead [105]
2017-06-10 07:09:28
[6 years, 359 days ago]

Or you can just be an evil bastard and level tourney bots, steal kudos, online people(gpof covered ik), interrupt people attacking rws so they have to unwhore them, steal people dumper names, screw up someone's pretty ratio.... The list is endless really but when you decide your not really gaining anything from it and you should probably be nice guy I doubt many people will be willing to help you especially if you attack them or their clan mates.

That's my guide to being the ultimate douche :)

MrZal2 [100]
2017-06-10 15:29:25
[6 years, 358 days ago]

I personally call this thread Lord Bowlers step by step guide to kill a game but no Escapism member or Ender seems to care about my opinion or Pothead's opinion or Juvo's opinion or Pirate's opinion or Cosby's opinion or well, anybody's opinion.

It's not that this is all attainable, it's just somewhat useless in comparison to the hoarding that has happened on the game (6 years of hoarding and buying versus whatever you and your friends can make). Most of the active members are in one clan and they willingly attack the other 2 clans underneath them just to be dicks, as Pothead has said (although he was being a bit more vague, maybe more than just Escapism). They will level your low level bot, attack you with tournament bots or other bots they hoarded, or online you and steal your kudos and other stuff so you can't camp. This and other things have led to more of a competitive culture on this game were some of us have a true hatred of one another. All our suggestions have been ignored, as will yours be if you stay around Reality. If you like the game the way it is, which only a masochist would, then I hope you have fun.

tldr; My hint is that only join a clan and play for energy if you like being abused. If you want to be left alone, just train and gain some wins and don't worry.

Gpof2 [131]
2017-06-10 16:55:49
[6 years, 358 days ago]

Why do we have to bring this thread down to such negativity, saying this is killing the game and such? Samuli made this thread explaining something that can be done. That type of attitude is what I don't like, it has nothing to do with opposing views or disagreements. I'm sure other Escapism members are the same and I doubt we're the only entity or whatever you'd call us that thinks that. That mentality is exactly what has fueled any tensions there have been between the few of us that are vocal on these forums.

We tend to ourselves and we're ridiculed, we attack only our bots and we're the problem with the energy system. If we attack other peoples whores we're playing dirty, if we actually play dirty then we're driving players away from the game on purpose. If we say nothing we are satisfied with the game because we're winning, if we speak our minds and have any disagreement whatsoever it can only be for selfish reasons and not because we care about the longevity of the game. This is what it has felt like for months and I'm tired of it.

I am seriously sick of hearing this shit over and over, even more so on a thread that somebody made to genuinely help other people (and this isn't the first time). How can you even say nobody cares about your opinions when every thread mentioning them turns into a goon fest with people insulting each other? Clearly people do care, they just have different perspectives on what's important and what needs to be done. Whether I agree with them or not, I'm glad there are people who care enough about the game that they want to see changes that they believe will help it. My only wish is that we could discuss them more rationally.

2017-06-10 17:20:12
[6 years, 358 days ago]

Zal Zal Zal don't you get tired of moaning ? I completely understand your point but man you just wasting your time. It's not a bad game or a bad system it's people like you who doesn't want to play or dont have enough time anymore. Look at the past everyone who wanted to compete build dumpers, most of Eternal members did that long time ago, Escapism had patience, prepared and now they dominating. You say other people think like you as well ? I say they bitch and do nothing as well or they think they do by building 100 low level whores and with them trying to win a month until someone else steel their energy or until someone like Gpof shows how's the game sopposed to be played :) I done it myself and it's the best way to become successful in this game. But you need to invest your time and it's fucking boring and it's not easy to build those dumpers because if it would be easy then everybody would do it. It's the same as bodybuilding people always complain about people who takes steroids and are in a good shape they blame them for that but they have no fucking idea how hard is to build that muscle and to maintain that muscular body. Anyway my point is anyone who wants to beat Escapism or just be competitive player MUST build a dumpers clan it doesn't matter what levels they are at least over 50 so more attack limit I would say because at the end of the day it's all about you and how much time you can spend dumping that energy on your bot. And believe me it's fun and you don't have to worry about energy and where to find it because you will always have unlimited resources if you will take care of your dumpers don't be stupid like me who sold everything 3 times already :) I wish I could have more time to play back then when I worked at nights in security "watching" cameras and able to play 12 hours everynight. This is what most players doesn't have or they too lazy to build same level same build 20 bots....

Scabara [60]
2017-06-10 17:41:14
[6 years, 358 days ago]

Good contribution, Priceless, but the reality is "we" haven't even used Dumpers to win a month for a long time. They're all sat inactive, ready to be used if we feel threatened, sure, but in reality they are not responsible for any wins for the past year. It's just an easy way to attack someone when they beat you, instead of realising you clicked "fight again" less.

I don't think Pothead was specifically talking about us Zal, as far as I'm aware we haven't done very many of the things he's listed at all, especially recently. In fact, the only one I've personally done from his list in the last ~3 years is ruin someones ratio, and that was Fifty and we've since sorted that little spat out :p

Pirates, are we still throwing our toys out of the pram because I took ~5k energy off you? As much as Zal wishes he was the game director so he could completely change the way the game works, we have one who's outlined his plan for the game, and he has said many times in the past how he wanted the game to go towards "real wars".

We dumped, you complained about that. We scored on low levels, you complained about that. We did real wars, you complained about that. You're just a bunch of whiners that don't like losing, even though you tell us you don't care every time you can. You should try a game called cookie clicker, the core concept is very similar to what you guys want from a game, and there is no mean people that might try to play the game with you!

All that being said, only 1/3 of Pirates is complaining in this thread specifically, so the other 2/3rds aren't really whining, though I imagine lots is going on behind closed doors! :p

MrZal2 [100]
2017-06-10 18:48:32
[6 years, 358 days ago]

You can totes your own boats as much as you guys like, but there is no competition for you. Nobody is going to follow Samulii's advice because it takes too long. To a new player you're essentially saying, make ratio whores, make dumpers, camp forever on said dumpers, attack yourself, and then get others to do this to win a "competition". It even goes against the word "competition" really. This is a long process and due to the 6 years of hoarding on this game, it may or may not be of any use.

My point was more that if you intend to play the game in a clan you have a high chance of being abused in some regard by somebody. It was in response to Pothead's post. The game does have a lot of possibilities to mess with other people, which is one of the main reasons why people leave. My complaints over the years have mostly been to try and reduce these stupid tactics. Onlining is dumb. Attacking a certain person's whores or dumpers to prevent them from doing anything is stupid. Leveling up low levels is dumb (especially when we used to have jans index, which just made them more useless). These have been problems for years, even in bots2 days. I do have a lot more problems with the game, but those are a few. So sue me for trying to change a few things here and there.

If you think about it, mine and Pothead's posts are just adding to Samulii's world domination plan. Because he forgot to say "harass your opponents until they quit" as a good tactic.

Scabara [60]
2017-06-10 19:02:22
[6 years, 358 days ago]

I agree with onlining and levelling being an annoyance, though I don't think they scare people away, it's only really done to established people to wind them up. If you suggested something decent to improve those, I'd be all for it.

Attacking a certain person's whores or dumpers to prevent them from doing anything is stupid.

Don't agree with that though. In a free-for-all energy market, ownership of whores doesn't really matter. People don't attack them to "prevent their owner doing something", they attack them to get the energy they are generating. If you don't want the energy taken by anyone but you, don't make lvl 60 maul bots and then wonder why they get raped.

Pat [26]
2017-06-10 19:12:23
[6 years, 358 days ago]

I don't see how clicking fight again vs whores in a clan score system is any more or less competitive than what we have. No matter what, it comes down to which clan presses fight again the most after preparations are finished. Whores/dumpers whatever needs to be build in any system we've had, they all take time. It also doesn't take 6 years to be just as prepared as an older clan. Depending on free time, it really doesn't take more than a couple months to build as many dumpers as one person can utilize.

If we're talking about what's creating the gap between Escapism and any contenders, it's active members and somebody with the patience to teach them the meta. Disagreements aside about what's good for the game, we all have to play within the rules that are already set. Whether things get changed or not, and regardless whether or not we agree with said changes, it's best to conform and adapt to what we play in currently.

Mrs Arterton [17]
2017-06-10 21:30:32
[6 years, 358 days ago]

Just like to say my post wasn't directed at escapism. I would like some changes but I'm not that bothered, I still enjoy the game just as much as if I was winning every month, I kinda miss out on lots of the social shit because I'm not in escapism or a clan with as many members but oh well it gives me more time to click links and prepare to compete with them.


NBA XIV [35]
2017-06-11 01:42:16
[6 years, 358 days ago]

seems to be a fair bit of whinging going on and not a lot clicking being done "dirty" tactics have always been a part of the game and id dare say always will suck it up or maybe this isn't the game for you if anybody would like to join forces and actually challenge for top spot feel free to message me and let me know whinging not getting you anywhere

Samuli [150]
2017-06-11 07:42:10
[6 years, 358 days ago]

My guide takes too much time?? Maybe getting friends takes too much time if you just cry all the time. I can only imagine Zal next starts complaining about that Khael and Xerex are lvl400 already. How on earth new players can start competing with them??? It takes too much time..... CRY ME A RIVER JUSTIN ZALBERLAKE!

your dearest friend Samuli

Amp02 [117]
2024-01-08 05:12:07
[146 days ago]

And to correct some things that are kinda suboptimal here you can actually use crabwhistlers or use public rws under level50. Also with the blaster build it is not optimal anymore but won't sink your boat if you do that exactly and with answerer dumpers I suggest you to take 40con off from that build and put it to str!


Kudosferatu [65]
2024-01-08 16:58:10
[145 days ago]
