
Forum > Questions > Is there no way to block botmails?
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God Malachorn [29]
2025-01-06 13:31:04 🔗
[59 days ago]

A clanmate asked me because, apparently, Lusitania has started harassing everyone in our clan with really weird bmails no one understands about Fish knowing IP addresses and people's houses or something?

Like really messed up stuff that would probably bother people except it all just seems so completely random and nonsensical.

Anyways, they wanted to know how to block someone from being able to harass them and I literally have no idea, but assumed there had to be such an option...

I dunno. Just seemed weird if game doesn't even have that option, thanks.

Smeagol [404]
2025-01-06 13:40:50 🔗
[59 days ago]

Who is sending these botmails? Maybe that person could come in here and explain.

God Malachorn [29]
2025-01-06 13:47:23 🔗
[59 days ago]

Jesus Christ... I really don't need to be in the middle of whatever the crap this is, tbh.

Seems to be a few different people to multiple clanmates anyways.

It's just freaking weird stuff, tbh.

But I told them to just block 'em and ignore whatever they're prattling about and told them that Fish can't really give them addresses and no one's actually gonna do anything to anyone's house... but, apparently, they couldn't even block people from sending them more botmails? That seems weird.

Smeagol [404]
2025-01-06 13:50:30 🔗
[59 days ago]

So no names? Screenshot to prove what you are saying?

Laurence [82]
2025-01-06 13:50:56 🔗
[59 days ago]

As long as I've been in Lusitania, Fish has never given any sensitive info to anyone. He hasn't even joked about anything like that. So, idk who it is, but I just thought I'd defend Fish at the very least. From what I've experienced, he takes his mod responsibilities seriously. I apologize for whoever is harassing you guys though.

God Malachorn [29]
2025-01-06 13:52:06 🔗
[59 days ago]

So... the question again:

Is there any way to block people from sending botmails to you?

Laurence [82]
2025-01-06 13:54:04 🔗
[59 days ago]

Not to my knowledge, but whether they're blocked or not, anyone receiving unwarranted messages still has the option NOT to read them, so that's all I can suggest at the moment.

God Malachorn [29]
2025-01-06 14:00:27 🔗
[59 days ago]

Well... since we're talking about options, I'll throw one more out there:

Come to MY house, you snot-nosed little cowards. Message ME. Pathetic little pricks.

No one's scared of you morons. It's freaking just sad and pathetic.

AlanTheTarnished [26]
2025-01-06 14:01:50 🔗
[59 days ago]

chews popcorn

Get em' Poppa Mal!

Fishwick [135]
2025-01-06 14:14:27 🔗
[59 days ago]

This is all very nebulous seeing as you've provided no evidence or even mention of what's happening.

I've contacted Ender re: relinquishing my mod powers, but I can assure you I have literally no idea what you're talking about. I've not spoken to anyone about the identity of anybody in Tarnished, I've even intentionally avoided logging into this bot so no one can make fake claims like that, but seems it still happens. I've asked around and now understand what the threads about (Sam calling Ville out for being ... Ville) and I can assure you that no mod power would have been able to help Sam identify that it's Ville. Everyone knows it is, of course, but mod powers don't help anyone figure that out.

Locking this thread now. Until Ender comes back online, I'll be making a decision that any mention of mod powers gets a thread locked or deleted immediately. If you think I'm abusing them, contact Ender ideally with evidence, don't just mysteriously mention power abuse without any actual claims or evidence in every thread you post.

I won't be taking any more mentions of them lightly seeing as you are starting to use them as your forum propaganda, dropping them (and me) into any conversation you see fit. Sam calling out Ville every time he returns is bots tradition now, nothing to do with mod powers.

Again, if you have any concerns with power abuse, cheating, anything like that - message Ender directly. Any breaking of this rule will result in you being muted and your thread removed.

On topic: No, there's no way to block botmails, but we all know thats not what this thread is intended to achieve.

Forum > Questions > Is there no way to block botmails?
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