
What's happening

6 bots (from 3 unique IP addresses) are online and have been active within the past 60 minutes:

logo level botname username clan plats location chat idle
[418] Execute Execute <In Sequence> 155 training against X-Extreme offline 28 seconds
[400] Sinister Shadows Sinister Shadows <In Sequence> 73 training against X-Extreme offline 29 seconds
[387] Arkuden Arkuden <In Sequence> 138 training against X-Extreme offline 27 seconds
[365] freakster battleminion <In Sequence> 109 training against X-Extreme offline 45 seconds
[49] Ditzy Ditzy <Dwarven Forge> fighting against Malz [50] offline 57 minutes
[1] Lord of War Lord of War changing settings offline 7 seconds

More details

Here you can see how many bots people are playing at once (you're allowed up to 5 bots online at once per IP):

number of bots people doing this
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 0
5 0

Here you can see how many bots are online per clan:

clan number of bots
<In Sequence> 4
clanless 1
<Dwarven Forge> 1


See the history page for historical stats.