june 2020 bots

Clan Rankings

Bot Rankings

rank level botname username clan plats wins losses energy energy month
1 [168] Eddie Hitler Chriseps <Strung Out> 84 3,883,941 7,497 56,802,167 1,541,158 (x35.67)
2 [30] Jamal Mashburn Jamal Mashburn <Escapism> 2 35,420 3 1,005,270 1,005,270 (x28.91)
3 [361] trkimaister trkimrki <Strung Out> 42 134,659 4,550 1,363,249 531,034 (x12.29)
4 [35] The Mighty Ratslayer The Mighty Ratslayer <Strung Out> 4 46,998 59 1,554,476 511,355 (x12.15)
5 [46] Stream of life Nikac <Strung Out> 11 156,911 10 4,099,840 488,266 (x11.30)
6 [130] Zach04 Zach04 <Strung Out> 9 81,511 91 2,831,684 472,650 (x10.94)
7 [56] Rocketfart22 Mr Poo <Escapism> 22 234,207 496 470,270 470,270 (x29.47)
8 [80] PinoyIsBack Pinoy <Platinium Squad> 3 66,868 1,171 791,335 469,907 (x10.88)
9 [73] InfernoCRO InfernoCRO <Strung Out> 1 52,603 1,452 460,603 460,603 (x11.17)
10 [130] Saint Saint <Escapism> 108 777,455 70 21,173,095 432,104 (x10.00)
11 [100] portable software seMIQ <Strung Out> 5 45,530 22 1,539,223 418,362 (x9.68)
12 [165] Ninja2 Ninja2 <Strung Out> 5 12,068 2 302,917 244,740 (x5.67)
13 [72] Anepaklebi Lukauskas <Strung Out> 2 50,601 818 679,649 158,915 (x3.68)
14 [71] The GreatOne Jabroni <Take> 4 34,441 1,007 5,106,711 154,834 (x3.58)
15 [366] Boo Bazza <Escapism> 139 1,166,478 873 20,297,309 132,266 (x3.06)
16 [250] hadoken hadoken <Metsu> 34 109,258 16,064 1,111,480 123,085 (x2.85)
17 [298] Destruct Destruct <Escapism> 88 494,874 136 10,739,398 122,549 (x2.84)
18 [286] Unit Unit <Escapism> 52 236,634 4,480 9,013,296 113,682 (x2.63)
19 [410] Nebulus Fayde Myriad <Escapism> 204 940,032 52 16,046,376 109,412 (x2.53)
20 [81] RiggsonTHEONE RiggsonTHEONE <Rapture> 2 28,132 811 1,270,992 106,919 (x2.47)
21 [200] Deutschland Uber Alles <Strung Out> 4 29,353 9 482,846 104,590 (x2.42)
22 [51] adlolhitlol2 adlolhitlol2 <Reaper of souls> 1 14,681 17 2,715,537 103,006 (x2.38)
23 [43] Silence is Golden Silence is Golden <Pirate Haven> 24 474,304 1,661 14,992,113 93,746 (x2.17)
24 [48] adlolhitlol adlolhitlol <Reaper of souls> 2 17,886 71 2,785,263 92,915 (x2.15)
25 [71] Daedalus KevyG <Tauri> 4,192 686 91,672 91,672 (x4.13)
26 [100] HighSchoolDxD HighSchoolDxD <Reaper of souls> 1 5,601 163 2,320,849 88,693 (x2.05)
27 [41] Odssey KevyG2 <Tauri> 1,882 74 87,703 87,703 (x4.08)
28 [104] Luthrin Luthrin <Strung Out> 13 156,999 2,004 1,374,286 87,129 (x2.02)
29 [377] Arkuden Arkuden <Escapism> 115 1,065,920 255 23,800,159 85,650 (x1.98)
30 [58] Chuck Pulumbo Take1 <Take> 1 11,286 518 4,488,937 84,868 (x1.96)
31 [348] shin akuma shin akuma <Metsu> 35 274,642 6,390 81,125 81,125 (x1.88)
32 [66] Bigmek bigmekbatreps <Terra> 1,035 45 75,862 75,862 (x1.92)
33 [80] Obelisk S1l3nt <Strung Out> 1 20,964 2,870 732,023 74,839 (x1.73)
34 [267] Mendoza Mendoza <Rapture> 11 22,233 385 585,738 74,458 (x1.72)
35 [274] diablek diablek <Reaper of souls> 13 62,290 1,612 2,389,939 71,989 (x1.67)
36 [300] Esvrainzas Esvrainzas <Escapism> 180 763,569 627 20,589,618 67,432 (x1.56)
37 [200] Kaori Momoi Kaori Momoi <Silence is Golden> 3 15,129 4,481 293,676 63,724 (x1.48)
38 [131] Gpof2 Gpof2 <Escapism> 91 503,447 4,121 9,508,665 63,454 (x1.47)
39 [60] Tomato Tomato <Strung Out> 72 80,545 533 1,807,440 63,344 (x1.47)
40 [395] Eucliwood Hellscythe Eucliwood Hellscythe <Rapture> 39 198,371 6,718 5,091,228 63,220 (x1.46)
41 [134] Redshift Apex <Escapism> 107 592,775 2,832 20,717,324 63,180 (x1.46)
42 [97] stingray stingray <Rapture> 1 19,764 3,990 1,203,567 62,786 (x1.45)
43 [46] Kate Beckinsale Kate Beckinsale <Silence is Golden> 3 46,890 13 3,069,552 62,670 (x1.45)
44 [202] Scarlett Dream Scarlett Dream <Silence is Golden> 7 6,087 51 407,697 61,586 (x1.43)
45 [270] Mr 0range Mr 0range <NBA> 38 258,632 69,478 98,798 60,971 (x1.41)
46 [130] Zach03 Zach03 <Strung Out> 13 143,899 104 3,832,669 60,011 (x1.39)
47 [39] adlolhitlol3 adlolhitlol3 <Reaper of souls> 3 18,449 92 2,409,007 59,582 (x1.76)
48 [51] baldivis 13735764 <Escapism> 6,735 82 492,567 59,216 (x1.37)
49 [130] Zach02 Zach02 <Strung Out> 11 237,567 147 6,472,923 58,980 (x1.37)
50 [66] boo2 boo2 <BooBooBoo> 4,832 3,000 280,801 58,600 (x1.36)
51 [222] Maleficent Maleficent <Pirate Haven> 12 148,686 15,320 5,115,855 58,327 (x1.35)
52 [57] HardHitBoot HitHard <Swedens Hope> 13,947 207 286,586 57,844 (x1.34)
53 [384] Execute Execute <Escapism> 95 461,125 146,997 57,526 57,526 (x2.54)
54 [130] SideZ Stefoon <Escapism> 17 104,456 822 2,870,477 57,264 (x1.33)
55 [300] Bruce Almighty Ace Ventura <Strung Out> 31 126,414 69 2,478,993 57,257 (x1.33)
56 [275] Le Frenchie Le Frenchie <LoT> 11 201,285 60,091 850,289 57,163 (x1.32)
57 [54] Lotka Lotka <Waste> 4 5,483 11 571,840 56,001 (x1.30)
58 [131] Zach01 Zach01 <Strung Out> 14 262,663 107 545,671 55,402 (x1.28)
59 [39] Horris Shankley <Take> 2 40,551 135 4,807,508 55,019 (x1.33)
60 [48] Inarius Viilarsi <Reaper of souls> 1 3,194 382 2,120,953 54,505 (x1.30)
61 [35] Agent Lacey Honeypot <Pirate Haven> 3 47,447 52 1,992,636 54,005 (x1.34)
62 [71] Little Bojana Little Goddess <Pirate Haven> 1 22,215 92 2,285,359 53,694 (x1.24)
63 [60] Bitch Pudding Bitch Pudding <Silence is Golden> 1 17,176 67 1,622,930 53,677 (x1.24)
64 [150] Mitra Mitra <Silence is Golden> 6,569 1,584 654,464 53,675 (x1.24)
65 [196] mynameisruin mynameisruin <Silence is Golden> 1 9,280 239 1,181,671 53,616 (x1.24)
66 [35] Gina Carano Gina Carano <Silence is Golden> 1 8,930 6 1,583,910 53,435 (x1.39)
67 [54] Holland Boven Alles <Strung Out> 2 13,725 14 439,651 53,208 (x1.31)
68 [70] Edge of Glory EOG <Silence is Golden> 1 1,818 5 265,161 51,940 (x1.20)
69 [100] Kerosene Deluxe Kerosene Deluxe <Silence is Golden> 1 14,953 186 1,426,433 51,851 (x1.20)
70 [35] Mistress of Evil Maleficent 2 <Strung Out> 6 56,806 7 2,196,031 51,677 (x1.28)
71 [100] Eee687 Eee687 <Waste> 1 8,547 11 619,864 51,498 (x1.19)
72 [75] Zach05 Zach05 <Strung Out> 16 6,617 5 337,208 51,460 (x1.19)
73 [71] Oxyk Oxyk <Escapism> 5 73,426 491 980,253 51,390 (x1.19)
74 [100] rip03 rip03 <RIP> 2 2,001 16 1,387,169 51,334 (x1.19)
75 [100] Pyria Pyria <Waste> 4 3,609 1 527,375 51,306 (x1.19)
76 [100] Fuel 2 Fuel <Waste> 3 5,858 2 622,021 51,172 (x1.18)
77 [46] demon pro demon pro <Strung Out> 3 22,838 2 728,020 51,114 (x1.18)
78 [86] tjayy tjayy <Strung Out> 3 68,050 511 289,012 51,106 (x1.18)
79 [175] Joi Joi <Silence is Golden> 2 21,802 1,907 51,093 51,093 (x3.05)
80 [65] Eternal SideZ stef <Escapism> 19 65,597 388 3,194,673 50,851 (x1.18)
81 [40] Anna Valerious Anna Valerious <Strung Out> 4 17,043 0 761,603 50,605 (x1.20)
82 [43] Shopping Shopping <Platinium Squad> 5 695 2 56,679 50,137 (x1.27)
83 [72] Hurst Hurst <Metsu> 4 28,055 305 922,896 50,010 (x1.16)
84 [125] Mistake07 Mistake07 <Mistake> 3 5,067 546 83,439 49,959 (x1.16)
85 [111] Keta49 Keta49 <Ketaours> 3 7,704 3,600 67,710 49,950 (x1.16)
86 [111] Keta60 Keta60 <Ketaours> 3 7,456 3,432 73,050 49,950 (x1.16)
87 [111] Keta59 Keta59 <Ketaours> 3 7,469 3,434 73,106 49,946 (x1.16)
88 [42] Quit Quit <Platinium Squad> 4 2,461 10 263,471 49,903 (x1.19)
89 [300] mnor mnor <Rapture> 20 192,286 8,562 5,603,897 49,870 (x1.15)
90 [111] Keta41 Keta41 <Ketaours> 3 7,667 3,561 69,487 49,867 (x1.15)
91 [111] Keta50 Keta50 <Ketaours> 3 7,674 3,603 67,527 49,827 (x1.15)
92 [56] Pokes1 Pokes1 <Platinium Squad> 1 8,414 30 1,275,597 49,792 (x1.15)
93 [111] Keta53 Keta53 <Ketaours> 3 7,666 3,580 67,431 49,731 (x1.15)
94 [65] Fields of Glory Fog <Platinium Squad> 1 7,331 17 1,054,213 49,717 (x1.15)
95 [111] Keta44 Keta44 <Ketaours> 3 7,673 3,580 67,528 49,708 (x1.15)
96 [111] Keta42 Keta42 <Ketaours> 3 7,669 3,574 67,525 49,705 (x1.15)
97 [111] Keta47 Keta47 <Ketaours> 3 7,671 3,595 67,443 49,683 (x1.15)
98 [111] Keta45 Keta45 <Ketaours> 3 7,674 3,599 67,469 49,649 (x1.15)
99 [111] Keta43 Keta43 <Ketaours> 3 7,661 3,595 67,459 49,639 (x1.15)
100 [111] Keta52 Keta52 <Ketaours> 3 7,669 3,609 67,243 49,543 (x1.15)