edition 23 / category 17


2016-12-25 12:00:00 [8 years, 80 days ago]
Level range:


Note: Clan points use Formula One scoring.

rank level botname username clan wins average hp remaining clan points
1 [40] Desolo Refero <Escapism> 54
2 [40] Mr Olive Mr Olive <Reservoir Dogs> 54
3 [40] Lesik Lesik 53
4 [40] Mr Lemon Mr Lemon <Reservoir Dogs> 53
5 [40] Mr Tan Mr Tan <Reservoir Dogs> 53
6 [40] Mr Lilac Mr Lilac <Reservoir Dogs> 52
7 [40] Mr White Mr White <Reservoir Dogs> 51
8 [40] Fish and Chips Fish and Chips <Silence is Golden> 50
9 [39] Pledge Pledge <PMS> 47
10 [38] Zach Eternal Zach Eternal <Eternal> 47
11 [38] Lucretia Lucretia <Escapism> 46
12 [37] Mentos Mentos <PMS> 45
13 [35] Maleficent Maleficent <Pirate Haven> 44
14 [38] ChickenTrain ChickenTrain <PMS> 42
15 [38] Gaius Antonius <Escapism> 41
16 [34] Executed Executed <Escapism> 41
17 [31] Red Born Red Born 41
18 [31] Sir Killalot Sir Killalot <Pirate Haven> 39
19 [35] msss77 msss77 38
20 [35] Mister Incredible Mister Incredible <Pirate Haven> 38
21 [32] Sledge Hammer Anvil <Pirate Haven> 37
22 [32] Sir Bashalot Sir Bashalot <Pirate Haven> 35
23 [35] Calico Jack Calico Jack <Scurvy Dogs> 34
24 [40] Pant Suit Devil2 Pant Suit Devil2 <Clinton Foundation> 30
25 [40] Chelsea Clinton Chelsea Clinton <Clinton Foundation> 29
26 [40] Paula Jones Paula Jones <Clinton Foundation> 29
27 [34] Gilligan Gilligan <Scurvy Dogs> 27
28 [35] Peg Leg Peg Leg <Scurvy Dogs> 25
29 [34] Greybeard Greybeard <Scurvy Dogs> 24
30 [35] Barnacle Bill Barnacle Bill <Scurvy Dogs> 23
31 [34] Seaman Crusty Seaman Crusty <Scurvy Dogs> 22
32 [34] Henry Morgan Henry Morgan <Scurvy Dogs> 22
33 [35] Shark Bait Shark Bait <Scurvy Dogs> 22
34 [33] Anthony Weiner Anthony Weiner <Clinton Foundation> 21
35 [33] Plank Dancer Plank Dancer <Scurvy Dogs> 20
36 [33] Special Prosecutor Special Prosecutor <Clinton Foundation> 20
37 [33] Redbeard Redbeard <Scurvy Dogs> 18
38 [33] Vince Foster Vince Foster <Clinton Foundation> 18
39 [34] Bluebeard Bluebeard <Scurvy Dogs> 17
40 [34] Lieutenant Stubby Lieutenant Stubby <Scurvy Dogs> 16
41 [35] News Reporter <Clinton Foundation> 16
42 [34] Public Enemy Number1 Killary Klinton <Clinton Foundation> 16
43 [33] Pant Suit Devil3 Pant Suit Devil3 <Clinton Foundation> 15
44 [33] Killarys Crimes Hacked Email <Clinton Foundation> 13
45 [33] Swashbuckler Swashbuckler <Scurvy Dogs> 13
46 [34] Pant Suit Devil5 Pant Suit Devil5 <Clinton Foundation> 13
47 [33] Red Pantsuit Devil Red Pantsuit Devil <Clinton Foundation> 12
48 [34] Captain Barfmaster Captain Barfmaster <Scurvy Dogs> 11
49 [33] Bubbas Babes Hacked Emails <Clinton Foundation> 11
50 [33] WhitePantSuitDevil WhitePantSuitDevil <Clinton Foundation> 9
51 [33] Huma Abedin Huma Abedin <Clinton Foundation> 9
52 [33] Hollywood Elites <Clinton Foundation> 8
53 [33] Ensign McSwaggers Ensign McSwaggers <Scurvy Dogs> 7
54 [34] Pant Suit Devil6 Pant Suit Devil6 <Clinton Foundation> 7
55 [35] One Eyed Jack One Eyed Jack <Scurvy Dogs> 7
56 [33] FBI Agent Investigator <Clinton Foundation> 6
57 [32] Pant Suit Devil4 Pant Suit Devil4 <Clinton Foundation> 5