Trump Tower


<Trump Tower>
Killary Killer [60]
Killary Killer [60]
Founded on:
2021-02-26 19:14:00 [3 years, 361 days ago]
IRC channel:
Trophy points:
Average level:
Daily tax:
8,763,441 [58.2 days of tax]
Energy total:
Energy month:
609,610 (x1.00)


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2021 191st 3rd 3rd 3rd 6th 6th 9th 9th 5th 2nd 4th
2022 4th 8th 8th 10th 7th 10th 8th 10th 11th 10th 8th 8th
2023 7th 2nd 5th 3rd 5th 4th 4th 8th 4th 5th 12th 11th
2024 14th 69th 65th 11th 68th 16th 18th 8th 25th 29th 12th 34th
2025 28th


TRUMP WON ---> Communists LOST!!! Now America WILL BE GREAT once again. MAGA Fight, Fight, Fight!!!

Signs that you are a woke leftist Commie:

1) When leftists encounter a person that holds a different opinion than their own (such as something concerning politics) and they do not like it; they argue with the person, get angry and throw a hissie fit tantrum.

2) When a person that disagrees with a leftist happens to be a conservative, America first or MAGA and they do not cower or give in to the radical Marxist rhetoric. They are immediately called a racist.

3) Woke leftists call people they disagree with racist because they know the radical socialist rhetoric they are spewing out is invalid. When they can not come up with a rational reason why their point is true, they get angry and blame Trump. Blaming Trump for everything under the sun is not a reason, it's not rational and it's not an excuse. Move on already and get over Trump!

4) When the America first or MAGA person that is so hated by Marxists fails to be moved by the lefts ignorance the Marxist cries and runs away just like the scared little woke commie weasel they are.

5) Woke leftists are so brainwashed that they can not accept the real truth about how stupid they are. Believing government and the biased one sided media just shows their ignorance. Government and it's propaganda machine the media is designed to keep people under control and them in power. Government does not care about the people. Period.

6) These are the signs that show what a liberal, woke, socialist, left wing Marxist really acts like and is. If you are displaying any of the symptoms above, don't you think it's about time you did something about it? You really don't need to live like that and if you do change then rational and sane people won't need to put up with your BS anymore. Long live Trump and MAGA.

This clan profile is dedicated to Freedom and Justice for all.

Make America Great Again


rank logo level rank botname username plats wins losses ratio energy energy month EPH status manage
1 [68] MAGA Project XYZ Project XYZ 1 10,592 163 64.98 2,154,343 30,490 (x1.00) 60 offline
2 [131] MAGA qp0 qp0
7,405 3,828 1.93 1,758,188 30,480 (x1.00) 60 offline
3 [100] MAGA Camel Jockey Camel Jockey 1 5,536 1,724 3.21 2,051,992 30,480 (x1.00) 60 offline
4 [101] MAGA News Reporter 4,730 2,622 1.80 2,075,083 30,480 (x1.00) 60 offline
5 [60] MAGA Donald John Trump Killary Killer 10 109,446 2,221 49.28 5,454,212 30,480 (x1.00) 60 offline
6 [101] MAGA Pant Suit Devil4 Pant Suit Devil4 3,736 2,602 1.44 606,071 30,480 (x1.00) 60 offline
7 [72] MAGA Devil9chaser Devil9chaser 8 107,220 2,234 47.99 5,236,908 30,480 (x1.00) 60 offline
8 [100] MAGA Gilligan Gilligan 4,856 2,344 2.07 2,098,293 30,480 (x1.00) 60 offline
9 [100] MAGA Aw Snap Aw Snap 1 8,560 1,464 5.85 2,065,492 30,480 (x1.00) 60 offline
10 [101] MAGA Black Pantsuit Devil Black Pantsuit Devil 4,170 2,252 1.85 2,076,679 30,480 (x1.00) 60 offline
11 [72] MAGA Rum Bot Rum Bot 9,996 4,762 2.10 815,983 30,480 (x1.00) 60 offline
12 [60] MAGA Scurvy Dawg Scurvy Dawg 7,249 4,336 1.67 430,311 30,480 (x1.00) 60 offline
13 [59] MAGA Infant X Infant X 1 5,336 2,020 2.64 2,170,382 30,480 (x1.00) 60 offline
14 [130] MAGA Triple XXX Triple XXX 1 8,023 98 81.87 2,093,743 30,480 (x1.00) 60 offline
15 [110] MAGA Furby Prototype Furby Prototype 1 5,475 989 5.54 2,092,235 30,480 (x1.00) 60 offline
16 [110] MAGA Kicked The Bucket Kicked The Bucket 1 2,048 1,296 1.58 2,077,671 30,480 (x1.00) 60 offline
17 [101] MAGA Nufff Said Nufff Said 1 2,553 1,193 2.14 2,085,429 30,480 (x1.00) 60 offline
18 [101] MAGA Fragged Fragged 2 1,434 824 1.74 2,081,210 30,480 (x1.00) 60 offline
19 [110] MAGA Thors Hammer Thors Hammer 2 1,920 252 7.62 2,084,669 30,480 (x1.00) 60 offline
20 [67] MAGA Danikins Danikins 2,648 343 7.72 1,270,028 30,480 (x1.00) 60 offline
21 [60] MAGA Sea Wolf Sea Wolf 779 4,605 0.17 136,648 9,960 (x0.98) 20 offline
22 [60] MAGA Orangebeard Orangebeard 834 4,183 0.20 126,993 9,853 (x0.97) 20 offline
23 [150] MAGA James Comey FBI Director 1 5,632 4,086 1.38 71,117 0 (x0.00) 60 offline
24 [150] MAGA Utterly Outdated Utterly Outdated 5,678 4,254 1.33 1,732,356 0 (x0.00) 60 offline


The members of <Trump Tower> have collected 31 platinum trophies:

times name description
Top 10 Energy Month Top 10 monthly energy in game. Awarded end of each month.
100.0 Ratio Have a 100.0 ratio with at least 100 wins.
100k Wins Won 100,000 battles.
Level 100 NaN Make it to level 100 without losing a fight.
Insanely Aggressive Make it to level 100 with under 10 trains.