
Forum > Questions > What IS a turing test?
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Hobo [83]
2011-04-20 05:56:06 🔗
[13 years, 313 days ago]

162 TheCause TheCause <The Cookie Monsters> 4,349 (+9) taking a Turing test
- 159 Ihatedex Ihatedex - - taking a Turing test
- 157 Napoleon Tonc <The Cookie Monsters> 3,137 (-1,203) taking a Turing test - 133 Hapi Takusic <Aflac Insurance Inc> 12,743 (+3,503) taking a Turing test
128 AquaRegia Emanuel <Hackers> 2,874 (-3,766) taking a Turing test

Scarab [56]
2011-04-20 05:57:14 🔗
[13 years, 313 days ago]

The thing that checks you are human

Hobo [83]
2011-04-20 05:57:58 🔗
[13 years, 312 days ago]

oh the captcha thing?

Scarab [56]
2011-04-20 05:59:11 🔗
[13 years, 312 days ago]

Yeah. The original one was something to do with the test for being a machine/computer - something based on the turing machine concept. Cant be bothered to google it just remember from computing AS a long time ago :P

Sera [110]
2011-04-20 06:11:03 🔗
[13 years, 312 days ago]

Its the catcha in bots scarab said.

The turing test is used to determine how intelligent a computer was by engaging it with text based question. You would have two text only conversations and if you couldnt figure out through questions which one was human and which one artificial then the computer passed the turing test.

Dragon [97]
2011-04-20 06:16:23 🔗
[13 years, 312 days ago]

^ what. the. fuck.

Jans [76]
2011-04-20 06:20:42 🔗
[13 years, 312 days ago]

Never seen Blade Runner? :)

Emanuel [128]
2011-04-20 07:00:48 🔗
[13 years, 312 days ago]

CAPTCHA stands for:

Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart.

Voxymaus [152]
2011-04-20 07:05:56 🔗
[13 years, 312 days ago]

They should just call it CC

Scarab [56]
2011-04-20 07:40:24 🔗
[13 years, 312 days ago]

Close Combat, Crowd Control, ConCede

Forum > Questions > What IS a turing test?
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