
Forum > Questions > "Reset Forum Status"
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Skeith [74]
2011-04-26 05:22:54 🔗
[13 years, 318 days ago]

I've noticed this link in the forum page, but I'm not entirely sure what it does, and am a little too nervous to actually click it. Could anybody fill me in on what it does?

Off [118]
2011-04-26 05:27:04 🔗
[13 years, 318 days ago]

It resets all the N's ("unread" messages become "read"). It should reset automatically on each re-login, but it doesn't... (at least on my Chrome)

Skeith [74]
2011-04-26 05:28:41 🔗
[13 years, 318 days ago]

Aaah, thank you. =D I was afraid it would reset my total posts or something, lol.

Ender [56]
2011-04-26 20:34:34 🔗
[13 years, 318 days ago]

It works the same way as in bots2 - it updates the time used to determine if a post is considered "new" or not.

As for resetting automatically on each login, it does this if you'd logged out via the logout button. If you idle out, it doesn't reset (by design).

Forum > Questions > "Reset Forum Status"
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