To become a Mod, i will even stop using the forum and JUST moderate it, i just want the power to shut people up when they go to far.
Power. Heh. A mod craves not these things. Much to learn, you still have. |
Level 100 [116] |
I sense a plot to destroy the forum. A smoke cloud of the Force surrounds Hobo. |
FinalWorld [107] |
> I sense a plot to destroy the forum. A smoke cloud of the Force surrounds Hobo. |
Level 100 [116] |
A Mace Windu marijuana joke :) |
Haha, not power, DS really annoyed me with the racist comment. and like i said, i would even STOP using the forum.. and if i was a Jedi, i'd be a Grey Jedi(yes i love star wars) and a grey jedi is one that doesn't ally themselves with Sith or Jedi =) so i would make myself a neutral entity of moderation =) |
A smoke cloud of the Force surrounds Hobo =) it always shall padawans. LOL |
Ender.. I implore you. Let me do this, Trial me? lol |
Mental [70] |
I think that Bots4 are involved enough to have Hobo as it's Moderator :D |
Administrator |
Hmm, I replied to a bmail about this before reading this, so I'll post my reply here so everyone knows where I stand: |
Master Blaster [40] |
Hope the Bots 2 mods won't be returning... Talk about being on a power trip. ;p |
some of the nobs who make racist jokes dont need mods to take care of them. good people can just use their common sense and do whats necessary (: |
I'll make myself the racism mod =) |
Racism is and will always remain a central issue in most countries, which scars every aspect of economic, cultural and political life by overt or covert racism acts, either in an offensive loud bang or in a subtle manner. In many ways racial discrimination and ethnic discrimination blur the line of accepted and unaccepted societal norms. That to subjugate others, either through perpetuation of violence or words is a phenomenon as old as time. Superiority by playing the race card to make others feel inferior is racism. What is disconcerting are the racism facts, figures and the damage caused to the individual and society as a whole. |
Why are the racist-mod always a white person? |
Mental [71] |
I dont know how can someone be a racist with so many cute Asian girls :D |
Maybe because through history white people have committed the worst racist atrocities? so mayhap white people feel bad now? personnally(stated this before) i have ALOT of friends who AREN'T white.. |
so many cute Asian girls :D |
Head Moderator |
Racism is not just confined to the white man. |
Only more common. |
^ |
Head Moderator |
You sure? Yes we hear about it more, but that doesn't necessarily make it more common. |
yes it does, OBVIOUSLY =) |
Mental [71] |
I'm no racist bit i laugh at racist jokes :D |
Racist jokes are the best, depending on company, who tells them and context. |
Im with team Y btw. Go Y go! |
im with the team stoner, coz stoners always get along, coz they have that common ground of smoking weed dispite race, religous belief and all that other crap =) and yes i know everyone is sick of me and my stonerness, but i've been a stoner my whole life basically, its part of who i am. |
on pretty much ALL forums, nobody can request to become a MOD and actually become one. If the admins watch you, like your actions, they will contact YOU on their own terms and ask if you want to become one. |
Administrator |
What kenson said. Especially if I disagree with your reasons for becoming a mod. |
=) it was worth a try (= |
Administrator |
Well, points for not complaining about my decision. :p |
How can i? Your the head honcho. And you seem like a reasonable guy, and i'd feel like a douche arguing for that reason. |
FinalWorld [110] |
Not to derail this thread, but oh my god Ender you just used a Voltaire quote and I may have to marry you because of it... |
Can we please hire him as a mod if it means he shuts up? |
@Player One: lol |