I'm 75 level equalaizer's bots. I attack identify bot like main build, and i losing 75 % fights... why ?
SharunasPetrauskas [76] |
If your build is normal like this: you'll be losing to "freaked" builds like this: |
possibilities: Since A is not very likely, i think it's B. Can you post your exact stats and armours here using Enders build calculator: http://edmazur.com/bots/build_calculator.php |
Equalizers also have a big damage range so you might just be unlucky. |
SharunasPetrauskas [77] |
i played at bots2 like a uncheckeD, now i read my name and second name, so it's really interested for me, i get two equa and other levels i upgrade constitution, but... yeap, this beta is not upgrade how ender you want, i think it's true..:) just started and trying jump a bugs..:) |
Its really hard to understand what you mean.. :/ But I remember uncheckeD he was pretty active ;) |
yeah i didn't really catch all that |