I can't remember, what were the tourney categories? I mean, level range of 1 category was 10 levels or? 50 to 60 etc... am I correct?
silencer [76] |
Glorfindel [96] <Solo Act>
Doesn't matter at this point. I don't think the tourny is going to be the same categories or even done in the same manner as that of which bots2 was done. Ender will announce the information sometime next month I am sure which is when he'll be having the first tourny. |
there were 18 categorys
Saiyan Z [140] |
This time maybe random categories would be better. Something like this: Let there be 10 categories but the categories will only be decided after everyone has entered. i.e. just before the tourney is run. Each category will have 10% of entries. The lowest level 10% of entries will be in the 1st category. The next 10% in the next category and so on. |
That could be cool. But, then again if I want to make a tourny bot, I want it to win it's category. :/ |
It would be nice if there was some uncertainty and it didn't go back to the old "make a 130 souls to win the tourney" because that was LAME. |
yeah i like this ~Hobo |
I think there will already be enough uncertainty at least in the short term now that freaked builds are possible. The only benefit of randomizing the tourney brackets is that the same bots won't win over and over, which could be achieved by giving the winner a whole level up rather than a fixed xp amount. Since the highest levels will mostly win there will be a constant turnover of bots into the next category. |
Imperium [50] |
Before we change the exp amount you get from winning. We should edit the tourny formula. Any ideas? |
.... umm? |
I'm pretty sure Ender said somewhere that the bot with the most wins will win the tournament, without an adjustment for level. Fair enough as well, the highest levels almost always won anyway and it just punished high level bots in cat 1. |
Imperium [50] |
Ender never won a tourny :/ Bots that were level 270ish, always won. |
I meant highest level bots in each category other than cat 1. |
Imperium [50] |
Oh, misread. |
But considering that never winning even though he hands down had the best bot annoyed the crap out of Ender he will probably put a fair amount of effort into the Bots4 tournaments. |
cold killer [43] |
awwww poor mouse clickers ae ...........RUNESCAPE ftw the better mouse clicking game >.< |
raises knife threateningly |
Idk where the fuck that comes from, this thread looks like a bunch of avid fans discussing a change to the game they like to me, and as for runescape... ZOMG I CUT DOWN 50 TREES! LOOKS I MAKEY FIRE FOR COOKING ON \O/ YAY FOR ME! CRAP I GOT TAG TEAM PKD NOT FAIRZOR WHEN THEY STICKY ME TO GROUND SO'S I CAN'T TELE! AWESOME I GOT MEMS FOR A WHOLE YEAH! HEY LOOK IT'S A PENGUIN QUICK TRAP IT AND TELL ALL MY FRIENDS SO THEY CAN SEE! And no I don't play RS this is a bunch of crap someone in MSN kept saying once to try and get me to play... |
Didn't "The Warden" always win? i heard he had really good stats after he redissed.. |
He won if George didn't. Usually because the level difference got too much and George was in levelling process. |
I like this. It should work pretty good, and we also would get rid of periodic tourney winners :)) |
I have to agree with random categories too |