
Psyton [61]
2011-10-16 18:40:22 🔗
[13 years, 134 days ago]

Hey there, I am curious to know about theres any certain rule in how much dex it requires to kill an opponent on a secure level, f.x. if I end up fighting a dex bot how much should I have in dex approximately to be able to compete successfully? Atm. I try to hold low dex, high str and somewhat low con I find it working very well so far, but I do struggle on some dex bots and even balanced bots sometimes.

Nosferatu [1]
2011-10-16 19:52:49 🔗
[13 years, 134 days ago]

This game isn't a "straight forward" game. This game is designed, for the most, to allow any player with a decent build the opportunity of winning each fight. This obviously rises and falls depending on your choice of armors and weapons available and your decisions on your stats, but to ask a question like what it appears you are (What stats/weaps/armor should I have to win) won't yield you any answer. In truth, there is no build that will win 100% of the time.

I would suggest you look here: and map out your path accordingly. The best advice is trial and error. Practice makes perfect and this game is no different.

Nosferatu [1]
2011-10-16 19:54:31 🔗
[13 years, 134 days ago]

In truth, there is no build that will win 100% of the time.

To clarify, there is no build that will win 100% of the time given that both participants are using optimal weapons & armors for their levels. Obviously given that someone can whore their bot thus making it lose 100% of the time, but my statement over looks this.

Psyton [64]
2011-10-16 20:00:35 🔗
[13 years, 134 days ago]

I am not expecting theres a build that owns everything, but I am simply asking what I can do to improve my odds best vs dex and balance bots, going more in con or dex for example?

Also I dont know if I am too much strength cause I noticed I am already about to get those sweet high end weapons or atleast I'd call them that, e.g. next level I will end up with being able to get 2x Frostreavers which will make me hit hell of a lot hard I believe but again, question remains, would you think I am going too much offensive in order to play a good role in the "PVP" system? Also does int work vs players? And if so is it recommended to go a bit int on a "PVP" bot? Atm. I still have 10 int and now its starting to get real slow with leveling :p I got an item that gives me minus in int, but I upped my int to remain the 10 int just in case, if it aint working "PVP" wise I could use those 5 stats elsewhere.

DarkNinjaMaster [31]
2011-10-16 20:18:19 🔗
[13 years, 134 days ago]

To answer your basic question, no. What there is is an optimum build whatever level you are.

10 base int is absolutely recommended for a fighting bot, and the 3:1 str:dex path is pretty much the best for fighting up to the mid 100 levels. As for where you are the next two optimum builds are level 70 Equalizers and then level 80 Answerers.

The best way is to get Equals at 70, add con to 79, then redistribute the con at 80 to get the Answerers. As you are only just getting frosts now I'm wondering if you have the best armours for your strength? Or maybe your low con/dex isn't so low :)

Anyways, aim to get equals and answerers for now as they are the best "PvP" weapons for now, you'll find that most bots you start encountering around the 70-100 range have these. You also have to understand "freaking" to be best at fighting, but thats an issue for another post.

Nosferatu [1]
2011-10-17 09:09:01 🔗
[13 years, 133 days ago]

What the fuck was that DNM? A substantial post, and pretty much the entirety of it helpful. Is this a turning point or was you just in one of those moods?

Champion [99]
2011-10-17 10:30:40 🔗
[13 years, 133 days ago]

I thought the same thing Nos.

Nosferatu [1]
2011-10-17 10:46:13 🔗
[13 years, 133 days ago]

No you didn't, liar....

dragonrose [63]
Head Moderator
2011-10-17 12:05:05 🔗
[13 years, 133 days ago]

DNM often makes useful posts, particularly in the top half of the forum.

DarkNinjaMaster [31]
2011-10-17 19:40:47 🔗
[13 years, 133 days ago]

what I can do to improve my odds best vs dex and balance bots, going more in con or dex for example

All things being equal, a point in con is better than anything, ofc points in str get you armour, points in str/dex get you weapons, and points in dex get you attack and defense. At all levels there is indeed an optimum amount of con to have, but it's different for every build.

Check a few of these out, they are built at approximately the optimum level for hp vs armour/weaps (I think)

conquerers axes

Then ofc the 70 equals and 80 answerers, then check this out:

soul harvesters

Boom, all the way up to 130 with barely an increase in con. All these builds are pretty much the best at their levels (except tit kans gets beaten by conned answerers, but thats just an OP fluke).

Then there are balanced bots;

Titanium katanas

Which can then go for the next shield and then for more con and still be good, this approach can work for almost all bal builds, you actually have to think whether it would be better to get con or dex. This obviously doesn't work for str bots, adding more dex than is required for the current weapon is NEVER a good idea with str bots. Someone else can comment on dex as I've never gone dex.

So as you can see, con is always different and dex is pretty much just to get weapons or the next shield for a balanced/dex bot.

Thus ends the DNM case study on whatever the fuck we were talking about.