
Forum > Questions > reed about the game
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vy 30 [60]
2012-06-01 08:31:44 🔗
[12 years, 270 days ago]

is there some where i can reed about the game i am new to this game some documentations??? :-)

Alan [19]
2012-06-01 08:40:24 🔗
[12 years, 270 days ago]
Welcome to bots4!

Hello there and welcome to bots4! It looks like you are new, so here are some tips:

    Train against Infant and collect some kudos.
    Use the kudos in the showroom to buy weapons.
    Train against Trainmate until you gain enough experience points to reach level 2.
    Add stat points in the workshop when you levelup. This is (roughly) what they do:
        Strength - More damage.
        Dexterity - More accuracy.
        Constitution - More HP.
        Intelligence - More experience/kudos.
    Have fun! There's no "right" way to play, so play however you want. :)

(this box will go away when you reach level 20)

Gpof2 [60]
2012-06-01 09:36:28 🔗
[12 years, 270 days ago]

Also this:

vy 30 [60]
2012-06-01 13:51:08 🔗
[12 years, 270 days ago]

gpof2 thanks that was just what i asked about :-):-)

Ender [1]
2012-06-03 01:36:49 🔗
[12 years, 268 days ago]

Game documentation is a bit lacking at the moment unfortunately. The site linked above has some good info, but is probably missing some of the real basics. I believe some of those are covered by this unofficial wiki, though it hasn't been updated in awhile and some parts a little out of date (the clan section in particular):

Other than that, forum search is a good tool for answering specific questions, and of course you can start your own thread if you can't find something you're looking for.

Forum > Questions > reed about the game
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