The current situation:
Level 144 whiplash mauls (x2) (Load)
This was generated using Ender's build calculator.
Blood Eater +5 +12 690
Helmet of Mystery -6 +7 +5 +7 320
Behemoth Gloves +7 +5 -6 +5 150
Boots of Mystery -8 +5 +9 +4 165
whiplash maul (55-320)
whiplash maul (55-320)
-7 +17 +13 +28 1325
STR : 338 = 345 -7 Left-hand : 240.9-1401.6
CON : 107 = 90+17 Right-hand : 240.9-1401.6
DEX : 147 = 134+13 HP : 1120
INT : 71 = 43+28 Block : 7.29%
Absorb : 72.8%
I'm aware that the fastest way to level would be to spring for a lot of stars/buffs or negotiate the use of some ratio whores. Not really an option for me at this time. I often change blood eatter for crystalized armor while training. Before i lost my notes i was working towards a mithril sledge build but since misplacing them my plan has gone a bit out the window.
Can anyone offer me any tips that will help this slog go a bit faster? a change to armor or a new direction to move in?
Aim for 100 days of online time first. Trophie points and rws are all optional
I'm not quite sure what you mean by that, i'm aware they are optional but obviously make things vastly easier. in lew of those i was hoping there was something else, apparently not.
Just spend more time clicking. It's taken you nearly a year to get from 125-144. The amount of exp required per level will continue to increase till the 150 dropoff.
i myself would just delete your bot and give up with the game
when ender shuts the game down you will be thinking ffs how much time have i wasted playing that shit
that is time i will never get back again
sobs slit wrists
Point taken shory, In my experience if i'm hitting a bit of a wall im usually doing something wrong but thats probably the most likely factor. I envy the players that can boil it down to the maths/basics and play this game well.My current pc set up makes playing a bit of a pain, i'd imagine i'll make better progress when I change that.
Good to know your still a cunt SJ, i'd worry for your health if you were suddenly friendly and helpful.
you can always count on me being a cunt :)
There is something to be said for that, consistency in life is good, if you stop being a cunt, well... the sun may not come up in the morning.
hopefully it doesnt come up then we would all be fucked and dead before we know it
Wow. YouΓΒ΄re so positive, you make a suicidal emo girl look like a ray of sunshine and rainbows SJ ^^
i know im cool like that aint i lol