
Forum > Questions > Complete confusion
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Cleric [76]
2015-03-16 11:58:05 🔗
[9 years, 346 days ago]

Hey everyone, (everyone who reads forums anyway). I used to play bots way back, when i was about 14 or 15. The game used to be simple enough for my poorly formed, mostly one dimensional brain. Since then the game has evolved into quite an intricate strategic game that requires you to make farm bots and build to a certain blueprint. I was barely managing to wrap my tiny brain around the intricacies of the game back then. Then Ender took the game over (Ender is that guy who made my brain hurt when i read the forums of him discussing how things worked). And now I feel as though it may take a little bit to wrap my head around the awesome changes that he has made. Anyway to the point of my post, if anyone who has a good grasp of how the game works, from builds to making a bot to farm, has the time to have a chat. Please let me know, i prefer a voip but any typing chat will be amazingly generous. Please get in touch, i would love to get involved with bots again (properly). -Cleric o/

Pothead [100]
2015-03-16 12:26:44 🔗
[9 years, 346 days ago]

The game is much improved in my opinion, with the new energy system that has replaced the clanscore one you can take energy off any opponent thats in a clan, providing you beat it and it has energy in the first place ofcourse, This means most of the easy to take energy is highly contested and players will log on to find that there is no energy to drain, forcing them to build dumper clans to harvest energy, these are bots lower level than the main/scorer which still have a good build to protect the energy when they have enough energy generated on them you simply log on each one and keep losing to your main bot to transfer the energy.

Or if you are more interested in leveling then experience and speed buffs make it more enjoyable also ;)

Cleric [76]
2015-03-16 12:29:29 🔗
[9 years, 346 days ago]

so a lot of the people i see online are simply whore bots losing to their mains?

Rex Raptor [56]
2015-03-16 18:50:38 🔗
[9 years, 346 days ago]

How to Play Bots4 in a Clan Competitively:

  1. Somehow get 3 stars or figure out a normal build nobody will want to hit.
  2. Figure out how to "freak" your main bot. This is simply taking armours that massively overstate your strength like Manic Cranium, Troll Shoe, Face of Horror, Twitchthroe etc. and use them to get armours/weapons that are too high for a normal bot. An example of this would be to have 195 str and use strength armours like troll shoe (+14), face of horror (+14), steel grip (+14) to gain +42 strength and get yourself a raven caw instead of a crow caw. Whenever you need to get new armours just put on your "freaking gear" and buy new stuff. Normal bots will have a harder time beating you is the idea.
  3. Build whores or "dumpers" a number of levels lower than you. A level 130 freaked blaster maul bot will use level 100 normal build answerers for example. This is so your main bot gains little to no experience from the battle while also gaining energy.
  4. Gain wins on your dumpers so they can upkeep energy for you to drain onto your main. Also buy buffs etc.
  5. Rinse and repeat.

    Or you can just say screw it and try and play for fun. But this is the new blueprint of bots4. I liked the clan score system simply because it was easier for newbies to get into. Just because something is more complex doesn't make it better.

Fishwick [134]
2015-03-16 20:30:24 🔗
[9 years, 346 days ago]

Welcome back Zal :p

On topic: Yes, its true dumping is pretty popular if you want to contribute to a clan, but its not your only option. Currently only a few of the top 10 get most of their score from dumpers. As a new guy I'd recommend you just stay a relatively low level (anything under 100 will have targets) and rape the easy bots for energy. They (normally) won't get a ton of energy so you'll need to switch targets often, but its a really easy way to start taking part in the clan race until you understand the advanced stuff. Pretty much every decent clan now can take you under their wing, so pick one that suits you and get asking those questions!

Of course, the clan race is only part of the game. You could aim to win tournaments, level really high or build a big army of bots for dumping, ratio whores, win dumping, etc.

Rex Raptor [56]
2015-03-16 20:34:59 🔗
[9 years, 346 days ago]

I swear I'm either transparent, you looked up my IP/email Fish, or I'm the only one who ever brings up bots2 anymore.

Well, whatever, hi Fish. Hi Cleric. I'm not really back though, I'm just lazily piddling around while watching music/Youtube videos. I remember you a fair bit Cleric. You used to have pics of the movie Equilibrium in your profile and had a pretty awesome setup/were a pretty awesome person. Also, I finally watched Equilibrium. It was a pretty darn good film.

Cleric [78]
2015-03-17 04:55:09 🔗
[9 years, 346 days ago]

Thanks Fish and Yugioh! That's mighty helpful information. Saves me levelling to 140 and having no one to vs. So there isn't as much of an advantage (in terms of clan score) to being a higher level? And you can still use armours and weapons that you don't have the requirement for? As long as you have the requirement for it at the time of purchase?

Rex Raptor [56]
2015-03-17 08:37:25 🔗
[9 years, 345 days ago]

Yes, the majority of free whores are level 100 and less because they all provide the same amount of energy regardless of level, 20. And it's far easier to make 20 level 30s than 20 level 140s.

The real advantage of being level 140 and clan scoring is that if you get attacked by others you won't get leveled, which is a possibility at say, level 25 or so. Plus far more awesome weapons!

And yes to being able to use weapons and armor you don't have the requirements for.

Also, something that might help you in the future: you can now reset your bot back to level 1. There's a few requirements you have to meet but it's in the workshop settings if you ever need it. Some use it on bots that get too high leveled to be able to attack their dumpers/whores for next month etc. You don't lose your stars, just energy, wins etc.

Star [120]
2015-03-18 06:37:07 🔗
[9 years, 344 days ago]

Zal?! :O



Rex Raptor [56]
2015-03-18 19:53:24 🔗
[9 years, 344 days ago]

\o/ t0r

Sorry for slightly hijacking your thread Cleric, more posts for all!

Forum > Questions > Complete confusion
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