
Forum > Questions > Account recovery policy
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Ender [1]
2015-07-08 00:45:06 🔗
[9 years, 232 days ago]

If you were linked to this thread by me (Ender) via bmail, chat, etc., it's probably because you asked me to help recover a bot (or bots) of yours. I have bad news: I can't. I'm sorry.

If you lose access to your bot and cannot recover it via registered email, you are unfortunately out of luck.

I cannot:

  • Trace back through your bmails to determine ownership.
  • Do some sort of IP analysis/correlation to determine ownership.
  • Trust you to to be telling the truth.
  • Do anything else.

If you're reading this policy, it's probably because you're trying to recover a bot and are not able to. In that case, this might all come off somewhat harsh and anti-player. Try to see it from a different perspective though in that it's really a pro-player policy in that it protects scammers from "recovering" your bot. I simply can't trust every person that comes to me with their story about their lost bot that hasn't been logged into in over a year because of the existence of people that would lie.

If you use the registered email feature religiously for all your bots and guard your email with your life (this is good policy in general even outside of this game - if someone hacks your email, in many cases they pretty much have a master key for your entire online identity), then I guarantee you will never have a problem.

Forum > Questions > Account recovery policy
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