
Forum > Questions > multiple attacks
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Yankeenh2 [33]
2018-09-01 21:31:15 🔗
[6 years, 188 days ago]

How many times can I attack the same bot in a row without being considered an asshole?

Ecoueses [313]
2018-09-01 23:31:22 🔗
[6 years, 187 days ago]

I believe number would be same as attack limit.
If bot in question is online then one is enough.

Ender [1]
2018-09-06 12:36:00 🔗
[6 years, 183 days ago]

Yeah, that BU page lists the correct attack limits, i.e. the maximum amount of the game will allow you to attack.

What the limit is for being considered an asshole is, of course, a different and much more subjective question. :)

Forum > Questions > multiple attacks
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