why isn't based on level ?
NovaLife [221] |
It is based on level but it's capped to a maximum of 60 energy per hour. It is also based on wins, on ratio wins/losses and on ratio energy/energy generated. |
NovaLife [221] |
I'm confused :/ I can see 30lvl gaining 60 EPH and 200lvl the same |
NovaLife [221] |
So there is no point building high level bot |
the reason the lvl 30 is at 60 EPH is cause he played recently if that bot doesnt fight for like a few days it will start going down with time |
NovaLife [222] |
Still doesn't make sense, in each mmorpg game the higher level you are=stronger/better |
and your comparing this game to an mmorpg why ...... o_O |
NovaLife [222] |
It's all about levels and stats and armour and weapons :p |
MrZal2 [100] |
To put it simply the level requirement for it is low. You can maintain 60 EPH with a level 50 and like 3,000 wins. Increasing the level limit wouldn't overall help the game though in its current state. Maybe if it was done at the beginning of the game it would've made a difference. Mind you bots4 is kinda like the anti-Bots2. It's very different in many respects and also less polished. Almost like a beta in comparison. If you take into effect that bots2 had the jans index, merging, non-broken weapon ratio whoring, no dumb buff system, no dumb platinum system that turned people into elitist pricks, diplomacy, the ability to play as much as one wanted for their clan without being effected by other pricks too much, ratio based whore attacking so people actually had to work on their bots, among other things. All you end up doing on this game is making a main bot, making dumpers for it, maintaining your dumpers so they get 60 EPH, and well, that's about it. Doesn't matter if it's a level 50 or 400. You could make whores but the likelihood you'll get even 10% of their energy per month is a laugh. Overall, this is quite possibly the most anti-social leaning game I've ever seen next to Cards Against Humanity. Attack yourself and win lol. Also, sorry for being bored and wanting to type something everyone ;P |
NovaLife [224] |
nice input! thank you for your feedback Zal :) |
Administrator |
Esv's summary is accurate. Level is an input, but because of the EPH cap of 60, a lower-level (sometimes much lower) bot may have the same EPH as a higher-level bot. There are some unique perks of having a high-level bot, but EPH isn't really one of them. |