Topas erased Boktor from history with its gold sledge hammer. (114 damage)
damage report: [[ 79 ]]/1300 6 % left
Boktor erased Topas from history with its adamizer. (100 damage)
Topas is barely alive.
Topas decimated Boktor with a frenzied attack with its gold sledge hammer. ([[ 79 ]] damage)
damage report: [[ 0 ]]/1300 0 % left
The battle is over. Boktor is exhausted and loses 12 energy.
I'm not sure, but didn't 0 HP mean in Bots2 you were still alive?
I thought HP stood for 'Hit points left', and not 'Health'?
You didn't die in bots2 when you had 0 hp left, but that was a bug. |
Ihatedex [117] |
Yeah I've noticed that as well. But I didn't know if he had changed it to health or not. |
But i vaguely remember floR saying it was meant like that. HP stood for how many damage your bot could still take. At 0, it can't take any more blows, but it's still alive. |
Administrator |
I see HP as hit points, or a measure of life. Full HP is full life, 0 HP is no life. |
Alrighty :) |
You should just get some more con Jans. That might help. |
Agreed. 1300 feels a bit skinny. |
Yea, it´s bad to be skinny. More con = a healthier bot. And who dosn´t want to be healthy? |