
Forum > Questions > Energy?
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Jimfitzbeard [140]
2020-12-11 10:15:16 🔗
[4 years, 42 days ago]

What is the energy?

How do you gain it?

What is it for?

Do you use/spend it, or just accumulate it?

How doe oyu improve the energy gains?

Train Again [250]
2020-12-12 13:33:12 🔗
[4 years, 41 days ago]

You gain it by fighting other bots in clans and taking their clan energy basically. its the competitive currency that is gained each month. highest clan with the highest gained ammount of energy for the month wins the month. theres also a indiviual monthly race as well with energy. each month stacks into a individual spot showing how much u have gained over the months but u lose all energy when you leave a clan.

Train Again [250]
2020-12-12 13:33:29 🔗
[4 years, 41 days ago]

but yea you bring your gain up by fighting others.

Forum > Questions > Energy?
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