The main clan rankings page (and the historical ones) is now sortable by all fields.
Thanks to Fishwick for the suggestion!
Administrator |
The main clan rankings page (and the historical ones) is now sortable by all fields. Thanks to Fishwick for the suggestion! |
How about each clan sortable by all fields? |
yay, at least one thing Atreides is number one at! |
quick neps, we need 10 more NC's :P |
why is there not clan average level? >.> |
Nosferatu [155] <Valhalla>
Average level I believe use to be a part of the Clan Jans Index, so it actually merited a spot on the Clan page, since it no longer matters what the clan average level is then I suppose it's another useless stats, adding it based on whether Ender deems it necessary, and considering the limited space to which he has on the clan page I guess he doesn't see the point in adding it. |
How about a column for total clan EPH? |
I'd like that a lot Coco, but because of how the system calculates our EPH, I think Ender has stated before that would be difficult to accomplish. |
id like it too :) and how about make it so when you click the clan your viewing make it so wins and etc can be sorted into order |
MGK [108] |
The javascript sorter that you use on would work well for EPH. |
EPH is calculate don the fly, it's not a hard set number. |
So basically it would be hard to implement the eph one |
Yup. Also I think it might have been a matter of page load time. |
So instead of taking 0.01 seconds It might take 0.5679 seconds?? |
MGK [108] |
No. Go to You can sort each column because of the javascript sorter. It's very very fast. It can sort anything. I know EPH is on the fly. |
Agh right so what do you mean it will make it slower |
I just thought I recalled Ender stating something about the load time, I'm not 100% certain. |
MGK [108] |
The Javascript Sorter takes no time at all? |
It doesn't have to calculate the EPH for thousands of bots on there. |
MGK [108] |
Right. It's a client add-on. So once Ed loads the EPH for each bot "on the fly", it can then order them however. It won't however pick the a new "list" of bots with a really EPH. You'll only be able to sort the 100 shown. |
Nosferatu [155] <Valhalla>
Do you understand what "on the fly" means? It means every time you look at a page where it displays a bots EPH, it calculates that for you right then or there. Also, the EPH is a constantly moving number. In order for you to be able to sort this it'd have to be just as fluid as EPH is, which I don't think would be very easy considering the way EPH is done. |
MGK [109] |
My fuck. I understand what "on the fly means". Do you understand the power of javascript? It's what outputs training, the showroom, workshop buttons, buffs, achievements. Etc. The page doesn't load every single output of a fight. It doesn't load every single time you push + on the strength button to increase strength. Let's try this again. See that? It's also "on the fly". It's a client side add-on. It doesn't reload the table. You don't get new results. It just orders the current table on the fly. You can only order the 100 results that it initially loads the first time because IT DOESN'T LOAD A NEW PAGE. Have you ever coded anything? It's javascript. Powerful, light-weight and amazing. Anymore questions? |
EPH will change every time someone gains energy or loses it. There will be new results constantly, so "on the fly" means everything is calculated the moment you load it. The table you keep referencing is exactly the same every time, there's no new data, ever. That one could be typed in excel for Christ's sake, it barely has anything to do with what javascript can and cannot do. |
Administrator |
Whoops, it does appear that that was the original suggestion. I'll work on adding that eventually too.
I think this got dropped when the clan rankings page got redesigned. The rationale was that the horizontal space was needed for other stuff (and average level doesn't play into anything formula-wise), but eyeballing it now it looks like there is room.
As others mentioned, this is a technically hard thing to do because calculating a bot's EPH is done on the fly and is a relatively expensive operation. Showing it on the clan rankings page would involve computing it for all bots in clans in the game, which would take too long. That leaves caching, which isn't unreasonable, but not ideal. |
Nosferatu [155] <Valhalla>
Hopefully Ender can clear up the confusion we're apparently having in attempting to illustrate to one another why it can or can't be done. |
MGK [109] |
The javascript sorting table is the thing to use... |
Ok, does MGK = Alan? |
MGK [109] |
Well damn. |
Administrator |
The issue with sorting clans by EPH is calculating the EPH. Sorting itself is not the hard part, which yes, could be done with JavaScript. |
So you can't implement the eph thing soon then? And your implementing the inside clan sorters aswell?? |
He plans on adding the sorting to clan pages sometime, but EPH sorting seems unlikely. |
Having the rank column and monthly energy column is slightly redundant, they both list clans in the same order. Other than that, I like it :) |
Spaw4 [87] |
but... it calculates the EPH when you load the page now... so adding something to sort it after its loaded doesn't seem like it should be that complicated? |
Yea, the clan's profile shows eph for each member, and could be made sortable. You can sort a table on any column really. |
Nosferatu [155] <Valhalla>
I still don't think you all understand EPH and how it's calculated and displayed. |
I still don't think you all understand EPH and how it's calculated and displayed. The formula is simple. It's (((black magic)/(wizardry)) x (hoodwinks)) + (Ender's special sauce). |
@nos; a clan's profile already shows eph per member (since it has all the individual members' data, unlike the clan ranking). |
MGK [109] |
Let's try this one more time Nos.
Now with the fancy Javascript Sorting Table plugin. All the above is done. THEN.
Let's try this then. In the amount of time it takes you to "sort" your EPH someones EPH might have changed. Therefor because you're is loading data previously recorded and not "real time" data then the numbers would be off? |
Therefor because yours* is loading data previously recorded and not "real time" data then the numbers would be off. |
Incorrect [1] |
Therefor *Therefore Therefor *Therefore yours* **yours . *? |
Let's try this then. In the amount of time it takes you to "sort" your EPH someones EPH might have changed. The same goes for the energy-column and is not the reason why eph isn't on the clan ranking page. The reason is, it takes a lot more server resources to create a clan ranking page with eph than it does without, because it would need to calculate individual eph's for every member in every clan. That's 2500 additional calculations, just to create a clan ranking page. Which wouldn't be so bad if the page was then cached for a while, but i think it's done on the fly, for every prick that clicks it. A clan profile does show eph, because all data needed to calculate it is already there, and there's a natural maximum of 20. While the clan ranking page could grow even larger than it is now. |
MGK [109] |
I thought we were talking about the clan profile. Not the ranking page. It depends on how clans are stored. I usually do it like this.
-- With and Id, Name, founder, treasury amount, founding date
-- With a clan Id, that refers to the clan table. When you loop through the clan ranking page with this set up, you have to loop through every member anyway. An extra formula wouldn't be that big of a deal, since the energy transfer page is still on here. |
MGK [109] |
Also, if we are talking about accuracy of the result you are trying to order, why are we not complaining about wins/losses/level ups? That's in real time also. :P |
Those don't require calculations or formulas. |
MGK [109] |
Level does.. |
Nosferatu [155] <Valhalla>
Lol... |
MGK [109] |
:) |
Administrator |
There's a ton of confusion in this thread and I think a lot of it is because some people are talking about one thing (clan rankings page with all clans, let's call this "clan rankings") and others are talking about another (individual clan pages with members of that clan, let's call this "clan profile"). Here's my attempt at clearing this up:
MGK [109] |
You could limit the amount of clans to show at 100. To speed up load times of course. Just sayin. |
Nosferatu [155] <Valhalla>
Although that might be a solution MGK, I like the way it is now and the ability to see all of the clans. |
MGK [109] |
That's true. Either or. I like giving ideas. :D |
Does this mean that it would be possible to do a Clan EPH within the Clan information? |
Does this mean that it would be possible to do a Clan EPH within the Clan information? You mean like 'total EPH' or 'avg EPH' for the clan? Either way, yes, since EPH of all members has already been calculated at that point. |
I think Total Clan EPH would be more beneficial. |
MGK [109] |
Total Clan EPH would be pretty bad ass. |