
Ender [1]
2017-03-01 00:10:01 🔗
[8 years, 32 days ago]

Congrats to ReneDescartes [290] for leading <Escapism> to victory in the February 2017 clan competition and securing a 18th George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Escapism> ReneDescartes [290]
4,139,938 (x5.47)
2 <Malicious Villainous> The Wilderness [44] 2,418,790 (x3.05)
3 <Pirate Haven> The Pirate [177]
2,035,692 (x2.87)
4 <Eternal> Shoegazer [103]
1,729,472 (x2.21)
5 <Reaper of souls> diablek [271]
1,354,790 (x1.68)
6 <duk> jerro [100]
1,012,084 (x1.26)
7 <KillThemAll> RaithenMaldrin [116]
994,029 (x2.87)
8 <Rapture> Satanus Inaximasus [335]
963,614 (x1.20)
9 <Berzerker Barbarians> mrvain [139]
908,594 (x1.13)
10 <Platinium Squad> olli [270]
880,635 (x1.10)

Also see:

The Pirate [177]
2017-03-01 00:12:28 🔗
[8 years, 32 days ago]


RaithenMaldrin [116]
2017-03-01 01:59:50 🔗
[8 years, 32 days ago]

Congrads to Escapism. I want to say something, Entering the list in the 7th place in the first month of my clan is a remarkable success. I congratulate all the clan members. I guess you'll get used to seeing our name on the top 10 list now. I wish all bots4 players succeed.

The Pirate [177]
2017-03-01 13:24:01 🔗
[8 years, 32 days ago]

That certainly was a fine showing in your first month RaithenMaldrin, congrats. May you have many more good finishes in the coming months... :)

Also, excapisms showing in the recent tourney was quite impressive as it always is. They entered 89 bots I think it was which in it self is an accomplishment. (and I don't think they have 89 members. I remember one time that I entered all my whores in the tourney just for something to do and it took a long time so I know they definitely made an effort like they always do and thats good.) My clan managed to enter 14 bots and we got a whopping total of 4 points! lol Thanks to the pirates 6th place showing. (he was guaranteed at least 2 points because there were only 8 or 9 entrants in that cat. So congrats to them for the tourney performance.

Yes, I have changed my out look as far as the top clan goes. Why fight it, they are the best and they have accomplished a lot so why be negative all the time about it. I have shifted my goals about things where I'm just going to concentrate on getting the stupid pirate up to level 200. With the limited number of low ratio easy bots that I have found and training it will take a very long time but who cares. Will prolly level some more of my whores as something to do. Cheers..

Gpof2 [130]
2017-03-01 13:50:59 🔗
[8 years, 32 days ago]

Also, excapisms showing in the recent tourney was quite impressive as it always is.

Thanks! Personally this was my best month, and will be until I make more tourney bots considering all 3 I built specifically for tournaments won.

Fishwick [134]
2017-03-01 18:20:07 🔗
[8 years, 31 days ago]

I like how "Gpof C8" won Category 9... I hope Ender added that new category just to mess your naming convention up

GJ Raithen, looks like we might see more of you.

Gpof2 [130]
2017-03-02 04:49:48 🔗
[8 years, 31 days ago]

I like how "Gpof C8" won Category 9... I hope Ender added that new category just to mess your naming convention up

Pretty much! I only have two of em named like that built atm, so I could just rebuild them... but I'm too lazy for that.