
Ender [1]
2024-12-01 00:36:00 🔗
[100 days ago]

Congrats to Myriad [428] for leading <Lusitania> to victory in the November 2024 clan competition and securing a 10th George Washington platinum trophy! Monthly energy has been reset and a new round has begun.

rank clan owner energy month
1 <Lusitania> Myriad [428]
12,975,159 (x15.76)
2 <Apex> PeeT [150]
12,357,771 (x14.74)
3 <The Third Way> The Third Way [99] 1,824,892 (x3.00)
4 <Mount Wario> Mr Poo [200]
1,735,770 (x2.13)
5 <Solo Act> Malachi [150] 1,633,531 (x1.91)
6 <Taekwondo> TkD00 [100]
1,007,976 (x1.22)
7 <House of Batiatus> Seppius [162]
1,007,324 (x1.18)
8 <dogs> Mr Tomato [81]
965,327 (x1.13)
9 <The drunken Clam> PeeT2 [358]
955,773 (x2.54)
10 <Endone> Endone21 [100]
950,253 (x1.10)

Also see:

Laser Kiwi [151]
2024-12-01 00:59:52 🔗
[100 days ago]

Putting the trolling aside, thanks to all the Apex guys for the mini race week fun. Hopefully we run it back at some point down the line (without the circumstances surrounding it).

Congrats to George for locking up the plat trophy for monthly 1st place and setting the lowbie energy record that you always wanted.

Laurence [82]
2024-12-01 01:03:02 🔗
[100 days ago]

Craaaaazy last few days and insane scoring sessions from multiple people on both sides. It was awesome to be a part of! And yes, insane scoring George. Nice job securing the #1 spot in what will be an incredibly notorious month.

Zach01 [382]
2024-12-01 01:54:42 🔗
[100 days ago]

Gratz guys you kinda rekt us in the last couple of days I think as a clan we scored close to 2M on the 29th and only had a lead of 400k, I knew at that point we had lost. Was fun to have a race at the end of the month for once instead of the beginning.

Also kudos to George I think most people doubted him including myself, well he proved me totally wrong and is only the 5th(?) player to score 4 million energy on a single bot, good job mate.

little neps [41]
2024-12-01 01:58:11 🔗
[100 days ago]

Is that the first time a 4mil plus month lost the clan race?

Zach01 [382]
2024-12-01 01:59:56 🔗
[100 days ago]

Untarnished I think yes lol.

little neps [41]
2024-12-01 02:05:11 🔗
[100 days ago]

I do t really know George but that would be his luck from what I’ve heard

Esvrainzas [340]
2024-12-01 02:32:29 🔗
[100 days ago]

This was a good old school race, remembering me the Eternal vs Escapism races.

It wasn't the case this time, but I remember the race in a November month where Escapism won because of turkey day. The Americans didn't noted Escapism started pushing and when they got online they just saw a big lead of Escapism. That was an epic and sneaky win for Escapism.

This month was the most epic win of Lusitania together with the 1st win when we beat the clan monthly record.

We were able to beat Apex when they were going with all they had. I wasn't convinced we had that power and I told the guys this was an excellent opportunity to check it.

2-3 days before the end when Apex passed us, we were all sure we were going to lose. Then on 29th Seath, Luth and Mojo did a big session and kept us in the race. I joined later with Mojo and suddenly there was a time where all Apex went offline. We were like 300-400k behind and we took that opportunity to catch Apex. Kevin logged right in the point where we caught Apex and he and mojo started increasing the lead. Samuli helped there a bit with Rautu. Only Zach got back online and it was clear it wasn't enough to catch us. No other apex came online to make a final big push in the last day, meaning Lusitania was able to secure the win extending the lead to ~800k.

This is my version of the race, what I experienced. It would be cool that each one tell his history :)

Anyway, thanks to Apex for not being completely dead!

I know we are very strong right now like Apex was in their prime. Maybe the solution is that some player from Lusitania goes out and join the bunch of players outside Lusitania, in Apex or in a new clan. Asmodeus may be that person idk.

I just don't want an era of dominance like there was with Apex. That's just boring wins.

EoD [41]
2024-12-01 08:45:00 🔗
[100 days ago]

Thanks everyone! Congratulations on the month and as stated before what a race that was at the end. Yeah I'm the 4th bot to hit 4m in a month without cheating, the top energy plat is finally mine so there's that atleast. Anyways I will be watching from the side lines, maybe score every now and then but nothing like that ever again

Asta [75]
2024-12-01 09:56:46 🔗
[100 days ago]

Hey George, you did it, here's your shiny...GOLD clan medal ;D You got the same thing as a 50k bot, weee! Lol.

Not much to say about this month other than it was stupid. Cheating caught, then 10x times the amount of energy the cheater had was gained in 5 days and probably a bunch of exhausted, annoyed people overall. Not sure if this was a great month in the scoring sense or one that will live in infamy as the month a bunch of people gave up on this game or forged ahead and continued on. Will have to wait and see. Every stupid, broken aspect of the game was shown off in the past 5 days is all :/

EoD [41]
2024-12-01 11:07:22 🔗
[100 days ago]

Actually that's only partially correct. I get top energy monthly play, gold for 2nd place clan, and 2 bronze for being in the Hof all in 1 month.

I don't know what your problem is but I did more energy on my bot than 98% of clans donin a month xD and proved i could do above 1.3m in a month. That's all I wanted to do so I think you should chill.

Asta [75]
2024-12-01 16:12:45 🔗
[100 days ago]

All I said was that all that effort and you didn't get a 1st place platinum clan trophy, which sucks for you and all Apex members is all. And that it's silly that one person gained 4 million energy and one gained 50k and they get the same clan trophy if they both their clans don't get 1st place :P Just seems ironic.

Congrats anyway though. And congrats to Lusitania. Maybe one day I'll get the name right and not put three i's in it xD

EoD [41]
2024-12-01 18:24:39 🔗
[100 days ago]

Pretty sure one of the months mara cheated for like 4.3m energy lusi still lost, shit happens. Thanksgiving no one got on and we should have but we all were probably spending time with family but had we got on we would have jumped way ahead. Either way it was a good race.