I got 109 str 39 dex 37 con, level 41, any tips where to go on from this?
rapidpk [41] |
Toddy [117] |
Level 47 holy swords (x2) (Load) ______________________________ This was generated using Ender's build calculator. http://edmazur.com/bots/build_calculator.phpSTR CON DEX INT ARMOR Rockfleece +5 +5 230 Vampire Gaze +6 +6 -6 120 Steel Grip +14 -3 -6 -6 50 Blood Bather +7 40 holy sword (31-93) holy sword (31-93) +19 +10 +5 -12 440 STR : 141 = 122+19 Left-hand : 74.7-224.1 CON : 50 = 40+10 Right-hand : 74.7-224.1 DEX : 57 = 52 +5 HP : 550 INT : 5 = 10-12 Block : 5.00% Absorb : 41.96%______________________________ |
rapidpk [42] |
Thanks:) what should i a for after that? |
Toddy [118] |
Level 51 blackrazors (x2) (Load) ______________________________ This was generated using Ender's build calculator. http://edmazur.com/bots/build_calculator.phpSTR CON DEX INT ARMOR Rockfleece +5 +5 230 Demonic Circlet +5 +3 +5 -8 140 Steel Grip +14 -3 -6 -6 50 Blood Bather +7 40 blackrazor (56-112) blackrazor (56-112) +24 +7 +4 -14 460 STR : 156 = 132+24 Left-hand : 143.4-286.7 CON : 47 = 40 +7 Right-hand : 143.4-286.7 DEX : 62 = 58 +4 HP : 520 INT : 5 = 10-14 Block : 5.00% Absorb : 42.9%______________________________ |
Go for this better: Level 50 frozen blades (x2) (Load) ______________________________ This was generated using Ender's build calculator. http://edmazur.com/bots/build_calculator.phpSTR CON DEX INT ARMOR Rattlecage +7 +3 330 Demonic Circlet +5 +3 +5 -8 140 Ghoulhide +5 +3 +5 -4 65 Blood Bather +7 40 frozen blade (50-100) frozen blade (50-100) +17 +13 +13 -12 575 STR : 160 = 143+17 Left-hand : 130.0-260.0 CON : 59 = 46+13 Right-hand : 130.0-260.0 DEX : 50 = 37+13 HP : 640 INT : 5 = 10-12 Block : 5.00% Absorb : 47.96%______________________________ |
Toddy [118] |
Yeah go with Off's one. I was just going with the weapons I use for leveling lol. |
keep your con as low as possible though, otherwise you will be pwned by the time others have conq axes... |