what is good/bad with shields??
Bozard [34] |
good: harder to hit & more xp for you (blocking gives XP) Bad: fights take longer, low level shields are worse than 2 weapons |
Bozard [34] |
then its best to use shield at higher lvl?? |
typically the str of a dex/shield bot is lower than balanced/str bots thus not allowing for higher defense armor. shields help increase the overall defense of the dex bot as well as add to block chance. |
Vector [112] <Solo Act>
The level doesn't necessarily play a factor as much as over all block chance. I'd suggest not using a shield until your block chance (total dex + shield) is over 50%, I usually wait until it reaches between 55% and 60% myself. Just play around a bit and see for yourself if using a shield or dual-weapon wielding is more beneficial at your current level. |
Aqua has a script for this. It factors in your absorb also. Some shields give more block, but less defense. |
Vector [112] <Solo Act>
Which is another reason to wait until later when the shields aren't split with same block chance less/more defense. :P |
Shields didn't really start to help me until block was >60%. |