
Forum > Hints > making a kudos whore
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Sully [84]
2014-04-29 21:19:49 🔗
[10 years, 302 days ago]

In the past I have used an int bot that is higher level than my dumpers to get kudos. Its harder b/c I have to log on every dumper one at a time. im wanting to build a lower lvl bot so I can just attack my lv 64 dumpers w/o logging on each one. this is my first try but im wondering if it should have way more int or if it will get more kudos by having less int and better weps. what do u guys think makes a good kudos whore?

Level 48 champion swords (x2) (Load) ______________________________ This was generated using Ender's build calculator. http://edmazur.com/bots/build_calculator.php
                             STR  CON  DEX  INT  ARMOR
Ice Blink                          +1   +5         170
Howltusk                                +6          60
Fire Touch                    +5             +4     40
Goblin Toe                    +4        +3   -2     32
champion sword       (26-52)
champion sword       (26-52)
                              +9   +1  +14   +2    302

STR :   93 =   84 +9         Left-hand  : 50.2-100.4
CON :   43 =   42 +1         Right-hand : 50.2-100.4
DEX :   63 =   49+14         HP         : 480
INT :   55 =   53 +2         Block      : 5.00%
                             Absorb     : 34.76%

Forum > Hints > making a kudos whore
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