
Judge Zal [27]
2015-05-25 10:26:41 🔗
[9 years, 277 days ago]

I thought it would be helpful to post a small tip to newer players on this topic since nobody really has before. The secret to making an easily maintainable ratio whore (aka a bot that has a 3.0+ ratio and has weak or broken weapons equipped to help other bots level off it) is to make the ratio whore a DEX-based bot. Flamburges, rapiers, steel nunchucks, solar blades, that type of dex bot. You'll need to equip a shield also so that you have one weapon and one shield equipped. In your one stash space buy a second copy of your main weapon if you are level 40+ or so and can't use very low quality weapons like broken bottles or crab whistlers anymore. If you can't use those low-end weapons then you might want to break your main weapon so that it does 0 damage to your enemy. To do this, all you need to do is keep attacking bots with no kudos until your weapon reaches 0% condition. You can now hit your ratio whore with any other bot of yours and gain levels quickly off the 3.0+ ratio you earned.

By breaking your weapon and having an extra weapon in your stash, you can switch them whenever you need to to prevent other people from attacking the bot. A BIG thing to remember is that if you switch to your non-broken weapon and earn kudos to repair your shield etc. (which is fine), DO NOT SWITCH TO YOUR BROKEN WEAPON AND THEN FIGHT/GAIN ENOUGH KUDOS TO REPAIR IT. Doing this will recover the condition on the weapon to full and you'll have to break it again.

So there you have it, how to make your own ratio whores without stars. I'll respond to any

  • nice
questions or comments you have. I chose not to do balanced bots in this guide, but they can be done the same way. Str bots can also do it, it's just not recommended without stars so you have 2 stash spaces or want to make an answerer bot with a shield or something.