
Tuff726X [86]
2018-03-03 10:30:53 🔗
[6 years, 358 days ago]

Hello everyone. Over 8 years ago I played bots2 and was top25 in total level (As TuffHunter). I can’t find my old stats anymore but from the items I remember I think the build went something like this:

Level 176 holy raptures (x2)
                             STR  CON  DEX  INT  ARMOR
Blood Eater                             +5  +12    690
Behemoth Helmet               -3   +5   +7   +7    232
Behemoth Gloves               +7   +5   -6   +5    150
Behemoth Boots                -5   +6        +7    122
holy rapture       (200-280)
holy rapture       (200-280)
                              -1  +16   +6  +31   1194

STR :  335 =  336 -1         Left-hand  : 870.0-1218.0
CON :  146 =  130+16         Right-hand : 870.0-1218.0
DEX :  270 =  264 +6         HP         : 1510
INT :   41 =   10+31         Block      : 15.63%
                             Absorb     : 69.11%
(generated using the Bots Unauthorized build calculator - permalink for this build)

I know there is a strategy to get your “final build†and then re-distribute 35 stats into constitution, but if I were to play again I want my goal to be levels via a mix of training and fighting. Should I continue this path or is there a more efficient way these days with all the new gear available?

Fishwick [135]
2018-03-03 10:44:28 🔗
[6 years, 358 days ago]

Training AND fighting builds don't really work these days, most fighting bots are pretty much perfect, so losing some stats to make levelling easier means you'll get punished when trying to fight anyone but whores/ratio whores. Maybe make one bot for training, and another for fighting?

Tuff726X [86]
2018-03-03 10:45:13 🔗
[6 years, 358 days ago]

Actually I just found my ood bot in a link so maybe my estimates were a little off: http://edmazur.com/bots/bot.php?server=blue&id=63643

Satanus Inaximasus [336]
2018-03-03 20:09:42 🔗
[6 years, 358 days ago]

Not true fish my bot is a fighting bot and a levelling bot And I level ok and don't really get beat lol

Tuff726X [103]
2018-03-04 10:29:50 🔗
[6 years, 357 days ago]

Well this wad my highest leveled bot (80) from when I briefly played in 2011. In two days I went from 80-103 by fighting while wearingg +int gear like thorns and behemeth. So I’ll see how long I can keep it going for ;)

Retirement [71]
2018-03-04 10:32:03 🔗
[6 years, 357 days ago]

I have ratio whores you can use if you're wanting to level a little faster. Swing me a bmail and I'll help you out :)