
Forum > Bugs > Lyrad's Bug/Odd Things Thread
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Lyrad [2]
2011-01-01 23:08:37 🔗
[14 years, 56 days ago]

1. Changing bot name color [not a big deal]
- when clicking [+] or [-] rapidly, it usually highlights all the [+][+][+] or [-][-][-].
Solution: either put space in between [+]/[-] or make [+]/[-] into buttons.

2. Showroom [not a big deal]
- if i have no gears equipped, literally at level 1, shouldn't I still be able to click the gear boxes to check? it will just pop up a gear equipped box stating none. its kinda useless but i just remember it that way.


So far that's for now, im just new here. I will keep on checking other things and post it here later.

Lyrad [2]
2011-01-01 23:10:54 🔗
[14 years, 56 days ago]

3. Forum
- I just noticed now that I can't edit nor delete my main post. it might be intentionally like that. just stating it out.

Lyrad [3]
2011-01-01 23:18:13 🔗
[14 years, 56 days ago]

4. Forum [not a big deal]
- in the main forum link (http://bots4.net/forum), shouldn't the Last Post part states the latest thread being posted? not the latest poster. I might be wrong but I somehow view it that way. It will tell the forum viewer what thread is the latest being discussed or etc.

Lyrad [9]
2011-01-01 23:37:55 🔗
[14 years, 56 days ago]

5. Workshop [not a big deal]
- the order for dex and con are changed from the previous bots2. this might also be intentional but it is better (i think) to separate str and dex to avoid confusion for the user.

6. Forum [not a big deal]
- the posts are all shown in one page (example: http://bots4.net/forum/8/41). again this might be intentional but it might be better if it will be divided into different pages (only showing 10-15 posts per page). this will make the thread nice to look at.

* few here are actually minor suggestions. wrong forum thread but I'll just put it here.

Alan [43]
2011-01-01 23:41:05 🔗
[14 years, 56 days ago]

1 - It must load the new color. The highlighting/spacing are not relative to each other.
2 - If you have nothing there, why do you want to see it if you know nothing is there?
3 - Edit/delete hasn't been introduced yet
4 - The newest post and newest thread would show two different results.
Newest thread : Some noob could do this.
Newest post : This would show the best result. The most discussed thread. Which is how it is


Alan [43]
2011-01-01 23:43:06 🔗
[14 years, 56 days ago]

5 - Ender has already stated he will not change the str-dex-con-int order in the workshop. He likes it better like this.
6 - That is called pagination. It will be put into order soon.

Please read all threads. You have stated many things that have already been answered.


Lyrad [13]
2011-01-01 23:49:19 🔗
[14 years, 56 days ago]

ohh.. sorry about that. im just posting all the things i found out. i really need to read the forums. sorry again.

About the last post, you might be right but wouldn't it better if i click the name of the last post (ie. alan in bugs), it would direct me to the thread itself instead of the profile of that poster?

Ender [25]
2011-01-01 23:51:27 🔗
[14 years, 56 days ago]

1. Yes, this bugs me too and I'd like to fix it. Spaces won't work because if you triple click you still end up selecting the entire line of text. Emanuel had sent me some JavaScript to deal with it, but I couldn't end up getting it working.

2. The empty slots should be colored a little differently. I guess I could make them clickable too, but I don't think I will do that.

3. This is intentional. It was discussed a bit somewhere recently and what will probably end up happening is that you'll be allowed to edit/delete your post for a brief amount of time after submitting it, but then it becomes permanent.

4. Some forums do it this way, maybe I'll add it later on.

5. Intentional, the str/dex/con/int order always made more sense to me than str/con/dex/int.

6. Pagination will be added later.

Thanks for the feedback.

Alan [43]
2011-01-01 23:51:35 🔗
[14 years, 56 days ago]

Well yes. That would be a good idea. It seemed to me you meant how it picked the most current post/thread.

Lyrad [23]
2011-01-02 00:46:45 🔗
[14 years, 56 days ago]

7. Showroom Refresh
- There aren't refresh button in it. i forgot if it is really like this before but it will be better to have a button there which will only refresh the buyer lists for the 3 categories (armor, weapon, shield) and the second field in the message "New delivery..." without having to browser refresh or click the showroom again. its just a luxury but for shoppers it is convenient.

Alan [43]
2011-01-02 00:48:37 🔗
[14 years, 56 days ago]

7 - Press f5

Lyrad [23]
2011-01-02 00:51:26 🔗
[14 years, 56 days ago]

i know that alan, it goes under browser refresh. im just stating that it might be better to make it user friendly. ohh well, that's it for now I guess. looks like all I found out is already known.

GessGuitar [58]
2011-01-02 02:26:09 🔗
[14 years, 56 days ago]

i mentioned in a thread that doing the showroom in AJAX would be a very good idea the whole thing would without refreshing the page i now know that ender has added this to his list of todos!

Ender [25]
2011-01-02 10:21:14 🔗
[14 years, 55 days ago]

Yep, improving the showroom interface is on my list.

Lyrad [42]
2011-01-02 20:13:12 🔗
[14 years, 55 days ago]

8. Fight
- I attacked a bot higher level than mine. Lets say Level 46. after the fight, I clicked "Back to fight list". If I remember correctly, that link should return me to the fight list for Level 46 not back to the lowest level which is equal to the level of my bot. This is definitely a minor thing but this will make it easier for people to find targets (and i think it will save some processing in the server).

Ender [25]
2011-01-03 01:33:58 🔗
[14 years, 55 days ago]

Yeah, those links will be improved at some point to take you back to the same index you came from.

Lyrad [52]
2011-01-03 01:59:06 🔗
[14 years, 55 days ago]

9. Forum New Post marker/status (N mark)
- shouldn't it disable after I read the specific post/thread?

Lets say, i read Ender's post in Questions container. after I get out of that thread, the 'N' mark should be gone already on that thread/container (means that I already read that post).

or is it really made that way (to manually reset the marker/status)?

and also, if I made a post, the marker 'N' shouldn't show up coz of it right? since I'm the one that made that post unless someone replied to it. unless the forum is made as it is and no poster-related scripts are created.

* dunno really, just stating what things i found odd. minor things, can be disregarded. I'm trying to find other odd things/bugs in the main links but so far cant find any (that's good news). the next thing I can think off is trying to bake the codes in a bigger level, maybe in open beta. we can test if the database/server can handle the load.

** sorry if im stating known odd/bug things. im just posting all the things i found out.

Lyrad [54]
2011-01-03 03:13:34 🔗
[14 years, 55 days ago]

- I typed the 2 words in the image but added 2 extra letter in it (result should be false since it isn't the exact words in the village). it still accepted it as correct and continued on with my training. shouldn't it return false and do whatever script is stated for it (either do another captcha or etc)?

* basically i tried it again, as long as the main words are there, it will return true. it will disregard any extra letters. might be the captcha itself not ender's coding.

Ender [25]
2011-01-03 03:14:54 🔗
[14 years, 55 days ago]

The new post marker could be more fine-grained, but I think I'll leave it how it is. It just stores a timestamp and marks posts made after this point as new.

Emanuel [73]
2011-01-03 17:55:34 🔗
[14 years, 54 days ago]

The way reCAPTCHA works is that you always get 2 words, one that you have to get exactly right (reCAPTCHA knows what this word is), and one that's scanned from a book that you don't have to get right (because it can't know what the word is). But you usually don't know which one is which.

Takusic [115]
2011-01-07 11:51:20 🔗
[14 years, 50 days ago]

Half the time I cant even read(the words are to distorted) what the CAPTCHA says and type in random things that sometimes work. Im glad it does it that way or I would have to retype a lot more.

Forum > Bugs > Lyrad's Bug/Odd Things Thread
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