
Forum > Bugs > Fight Speed Inconsistencies
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Viper X [79]
2011-08-06 13:40:55 🔗
[13 years, 216 days ago]

For the last couple of days (I think since the latest Chrome update), I've had this issue where the fight speed is inconsistent. Works fine in Firefox, and isn't a permanent problem on Chrome either, but I get it every now and then for some reason I can't figure out.

Basically, the fight speed slows down and speeds up, constantly. Every second or third message in the fight will take a little longer to appear. When I first saw it, it was bad enough to be easily noticeable by just watching the fight, not the timer. Watching the timer proves it - it slows down for 0.2 - 0.4 seconds (on the timer, not necessarily real seconds), and then goes back up to normal speed for about 1.0 - 2.0 on the timer, and loops like that.

It's mostly just an annoyance, but it seems to be either normal speed or slow speed, so it does cause fights to take a little longer.

Off [116]
2011-08-06 14:42:41 🔗
[13 years, 216 days ago]

Similar issues with Chrome were noticed and discussed before (too lazy to find that threads), and that's browser-side problems -_-

Badger [83]
2011-08-06 23:33:33 🔗
[13 years, 215 days ago]

I noticed this too. This problem is different to the other Chrome not registering my click on fight again problem.

GG for Chrome...

DarkNinjaMaster [70]
2011-08-07 00:09:30 🔗
[13 years, 215 days ago]

If I run chrome and FF side-by-side it becomes obvious as, really obvious. Also sometimes the fights speed up to the point where if I click "fight again" it says, "you still battling" for a couple of seconds (chrome), I've checked, nobody fought me.

Ender [1]
2011-08-07 17:15:47 🔗
[13 years, 215 days ago]

I'll be looking into this.

Badger [84]
2011-08-08 01:20:41 🔗
[13 years, 214 days ago]

The problem appears to have gotten worse. Now my fights on Chrome appear to be roughly double the displayed length.

It is easily noticeable that the fight timer is counting slower than it indicates. Can confirm that FireFox is still working fine. This problem seems to be confined to Chrome.

Tonska42 [69]
2011-08-08 05:38:21 🔗
[13 years, 214 days ago]

i noticed that problem too. the counter said 1 sec and it took easily over 2 sec

Draoi [131]
2011-08-11 21:43:25 🔗
[13 years, 211 days ago]

Something that might help you out ender...I noticed this problem began when my windows update started. When it finished/restart I was back in business.

Forum > Bugs > Fight Speed Inconsistencies
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