If you are the recipient of attacks and then that person resets, I am fairly sure it resets my log. At least that was my assumption on one of my alts that had attacks and there was nothing in the fight history.
for ender's reference, this bot does not have a fight log. My post above was a guess. |
Administrator |
Fight history is deleted when resetting, so yes this effectively deletes it from the other person's log too. Should I just not delete it when resetting? |
Administrator |
And if I wanted to get fancy I could make it check the last reset time of the bot looking at the page so it wouldn't show anything from before that... |
Nosferatu [1] <Valhalla>
I think I want to see you get fancy. ^^ |
Administrator |
All right, added to the spreadsheet. |
You got it half right with the bug, the bot that reset didn't have any indication in the fight log.(not my bot that reset, the opponents) However, the wins were from me leveling the bot and those were gone also. These are attacks I made on another bot. |
Administrator |
Sorry, not following...can you explain again? |
There is no fight log for that bot. I definitively fought people(that didn't reset) while leveling to that level. |
Administrator |
Which one is "that bot"? You're going to have to really spell it out for me, e.g.: Bot A fought bot B, bot (A or B?) resets, and bot (A or B?) is missing fight history. |
i think he's saying bot A fought bot B and bot B reset and bot A is missing fight history lol fot bought bot fought |
I don't know what to tell you. When I go to the fight history of this bot it is blank. I just logged in and it said I had 22 attacks but it is still blank. Maybe different bug, but still.... |
I don't know if it is specific, but the first 3 I just check also do not have fight histories. |
Administrator |
Yep this was my original interpretation of the bug too, which I thought I had acknowledged above:
As for this:
Yeah, that sounds like a different bug which is what was throwing me off. It doesn't even have to do with resets it sounds like. |
To be fair, I assumed that was what the bug was. Now I'm just ?? |
No fight history and I just made this bot. |
its broken :( |
I can't see the fight history on this bot anymore. |
I'm going to go out on a limb and assume the problem is somehow associated with my wins# bots. |
you broke bots :( |
Had attacks from random people this login, couldn't see who fought me. |
Almost certain that the problem is linked to anyone that attacks or gets attack by any of my wins# bots. :< |
ya a wins# bot attacked me and my fightlog is gone |
to be specific: wins23 attacked thingFOUR and now thingFOUR has no fight history (around 1:50pm gametime) |
my wins# bots have cooties, you attack them and you have them. :( |
Your bot has been attacked 2407 times! Click on it, fight log empty. |
Nosferatu [1] <Valhalla>
It's because it's you. That's the only reason. :P |
I'd assume the reason is because the wins# is "injecting" weird things into the table because it isn't escaped right or something. Probably something like username = `wins#` would be all it would need to be. |
I have aids! I will give them to youuuuu |
Nosferatu [1] <Valhalla>
And then you'll be singing the AIDS song! |
I also have no fight log on a couple bots built in the last week. |
Chances are you attack my wins# bots. |
Administrator |
The bug where the fight history wasn't showing up at all for some bots has been fixed. It was due to the json being sent to the fight history page not being escaped. There are 3 countries with apostrophes in them, so if your bot or any bot you've attacked/defended against had their country set to one of these (Lao People's Democratic Republic in the case of the wins# bots), the page wouldn't load. The names are now being properly escaped. |
lol, so much for randomly selecting a country. :P |
Also, thank you. You can call me the bug finder. /me nods |