
Forum > Bugs > Bug maybe?
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Sean [1]
2011-03-12 20:19:49 🔗
[13 years, 363 days ago]

Hello all. I just signed up and swapped kudos for redis points but when I go to spend them I can't actually click anything. Using Google Chrome. Bug or am I being a n00b?

NeverStop [31]
2011-03-12 20:23:01 🔗
[13 years, 363 days ago]


Sean [1]
2011-03-12 20:23:25 🔗
[13 years, 363 days ago]

ok srry :( I will go back to my corner..

Alllotrope [48]
2011-03-12 20:28:42 🔗
[13 years, 363 days ago]

You're level 1, you have no points to redis...

Sean [1]
2011-03-12 20:29:15 🔗
[13 years, 363 days ago]

Redis to buy:
0 [buy]
Redis to spend:
5 [spend]

I beg to differ.

Number Two [77]
2011-03-12 20:35:59 🔗
[13 years, 363 days ago]

minimum of every stat is 10, so you cant really lower anything while on lvl 1

Sean [2]
2011-03-12 20:36:12 🔗
[13 years, 363 days ago]

Makes sense now I've levelled. Not the friendlist bunch are we? But thanks nonetheless!

(ps the number next to the forum doesn't go down when I check new threads, the N doesn't disappear when I read new posts and I can't change colour)

But these are nonessential!

Alllotrope [49]
2011-03-12 20:44:06 🔗
[13 years, 363 days ago]

Manually reset the status. If you don't want to accept help then don't ask for it. We're friendly when it's deserved. Act like a douche and you'll get treated like one.

Mcjism [71]
2011-03-12 20:44:44 🔗
[13 years, 363 days ago]

you managed to change it to pink...

Sean [3]
2011-03-12 20:47:21 🔗
[13 years, 363 days ago]

I didn't act like a douche at all, I just asked a question.

Anyway, how do I manually reset?

NeverStop [31]
2011-03-12 20:48:31 🔗
[13 years, 363 days ago]


Number Two [77]
2011-03-12 20:48:48 🔗
[13 years, 363 days ago]

and i politely answered.

answer 2 : at top of main forum page theres a link for rest. so click on forum and look at top, you'll see it

Alllotrope [49]
2011-03-12 20:49:11 🔗
[13 years, 363 days ago]

Redis to buy:
0 [buy]
Redis to spend:
5 [spend]

I beg to differ.

Sounds pretty douche-like to me. Especially when I was right.

Click the forum link on the side, then reset forum status.

Sean [3]
2011-03-12 20:49:37 🔗
[13 years, 363 days ago]

Yeah Number Two, you've been helpful, ta. (I posted the "I've levelled now" before I saw your post). Thank you!

Sean [3]
2011-03-12 20:50:19 🔗
[13 years, 363 days ago]

@All: Wasn't meant to sound douche-y at all. I was just confused. I wasn't being a douche at all. :]

Number Two [77]
2011-03-12 20:50:49 🔗
[13 years, 363 days ago]

no probs.

and dont bother with neverstop, if you see a guy that has NaN for his ratio but alot of wins, thats autofag labeler.

NeverStop [31]
2011-03-12 20:52:09 🔗
[13 years, 363 days ago]


Sean [3]
2011-03-12 20:52:52 🔗
[13 years, 363 days ago]

Lol okay I'll ignore him. Thanks for the heads up Number Two haha. :P

Off [116]
2011-03-12 21:59:18 🔗
[13 years, 363 days ago]

Don't look at those arogant "I know everything, you don't, so suck my dick" fags. They don't realise, that without noobs this game will die as bots2 did...

Sean [15]
2011-03-12 22:05:38 🔗
[13 years, 363 days ago]

Haha yes I am a big noob but I guess everyone was one at one point lol. Thanks for the encouragement. :)

Alllotrope [49]
2011-03-12 23:10:29 🔗
[13 years, 362 days ago]

Haha that's rich coming from you Off.

Jans [67]
2011-03-13 00:30:15 🔗
[13 years, 362 days ago]

The guy posted a simple beginners question in flawless english. If every new player was like that, it'd be great. You what also would be great? If veteran players who should know better didnt act like its their right to bully noobs.

Alllotrope [52]
2011-03-13 00:32:32 🔗
[13 years, 362 days ago]

He asked a question, I gave him an answer. He decided he knew better than someone who has played the game for years.

If they want help, ask for it. But if you say I'm wrong when I'm not, then it's your fault and I'll respond appropriately.

Alllotrope [52]
2011-03-13 00:32:59 🔗
[13 years, 362 days ago]

As for NEVERSTOP, dunno what his problem is.

Jans [67]
2011-03-13 00:35:39 🔗
[13 years, 362 days ago]

But you were wrong.. He did have redis points ;)

He just couldnt use them at his level, and you hadnt thought of that. Is that so tough on your ego you had to go and call him a douchebag? It was uncalled for imo.

Alllotrope [53]
2011-03-13 00:38:07 🔗
[13 years, 362 days ago]

I wasn't wrong. When I said he had none to redis I was referring to the fact he is lvl 1 so he has 10 stat points in each stat.

If he misunderstood he should have done it in a polite way, instead of the smug "I beg to differ"

Sean [25]
2011-03-13 00:43:54 🔗
[13 years, 362 days ago]

I wasn't being smug, you just inferred it that way.

Jans [67]
2011-03-13 00:44:44 🔗
[13 years, 362 days ago]

Ok, what you meant to say didnt come across though. And yea, 'i beg to differ' is a little smug, but in his defense, he did have redis points, and wasnt explained yet he couldnt use them.

Anyhoo.. #nonissue, moving on :)

Alllotrope [53]
2011-03-13 00:44:51 🔗
[13 years, 362 days ago]

That's largely irrelevant. I took it that way, I responded in kind.

Alllotrope [53]
2011-03-13 00:45:39 🔗
[13 years, 362 days ago]

@Jans yeah exactly. It's no skin off my nose. Passes the time while I level.

Sean [25]
2011-03-13 00:48:43 🔗
[13 years, 362 days ago]

I was just being a little upbeat about it lol. My problem still wasn't solved even by your answer (though of course I am grateful for the help!)

I would never want to come into a new game and start acting like a douche, I know the feeling of dealing with new guys who act in that sort of manner and I wouldn't want to join and cause problems.

Alllotrope [53]
2011-03-13 00:50:33 🔗
[13 years, 362 days ago]

All I'm saying is show some trust in veteran players that they know what they are talking about and raise your objection in a more neutral way.

That said, some veteran players are idiots and I wouldn't trust what they are saying but you'll figure that out later.

Alan [90]
2011-03-13 00:51:26 🔗
[13 years, 362 days ago]

Damn. Shut this thread down.
Get over your guys self.

Sean [25]
2011-03-13 00:52:02 🔗
[13 years, 362 days ago]

Right, well I've just come along and kicked up a big fuss now haha. I'll just say I apologise for any offense I might have caused.

Alllotrope [53]
2011-03-13 00:52:25 🔗
[13 years, 362 days ago]

Or mind your own business maybe?

It's a discussion between me and Sean, with Jans at the end. Your opinion is not needed. Thanks.

Jans [67]
2011-03-13 00:53:04 🔗
[13 years, 362 days ago]

*closes thread* !

Alllotrope [53]
2011-03-13 00:53:08 🔗
[13 years, 362 days ago]

That was @Alan btw.

Alan [90]
2011-03-13 00:54:09 🔗
[13 years, 362 days ago]

Allotrope. I don't think you understand me.
None of my business? Get over yourself. This is a public forum. If you want private stuff, there is a thing called a post-office. How about that?

Alllotrope [53]
2011-03-13 00:54:25 🔗
[13 years, 362 days ago]

You ain't no moderator in this world Jans!! :P

Jans [67]
2011-03-13 00:55:47 🔗
[13 years, 362 days ago]

* edits allo's post and closes thread repeatedly and frantically *

Alllotrope [53]
2011-03-13 00:55:48 🔗
[13 years, 362 days ago]

Alan, I don't think you understand me.

You come along and interject your opinion in an issue that was between me and Sean. Get over yourself in thinking that you have the god given right to tell other people what to do.


Alan [90]
2011-03-13 00:56:54 🔗
[13 years, 362 days ago]

First of all, I'll say what the hell I want to.
Next, if you plan to argue with me, lets use proper grammar and English?

Okay, thanks bye. Faggot.

Sean [25]
2011-03-13 00:57:22 🔗
[13 years, 362 days ago]

Gah, have I upset Alan as well now? Oh dear. D:

Alllotrope [53]
2011-03-13 00:57:58 🔗
[13 years, 362 days ago]

Negative, I'll use any sort of grammar I feel like. But seeing as how you brought it up, how is calling me a pile of sticks offensive?

Alan [90]
2011-03-13 01:00:52 🔗
[13 years, 362 days ago]

Since when is a faggot a pile of sticks? I'm done with the bull shit. You are an immature little kid. I said to stop this crap because the forum thing was blowing up between each fight I had, which is highly annoying.

It was a sarcastic comment that you had to take the wrong fucking way, now you have me pissed at you. Your pretty cool don't you think?

Alllotrope [53]
2011-03-13 01:02:22 🔗
[13 years, 362 days ago]

Haha and you think I have problems. I'm a name on a screen and you are letting it affect you irl?

And taken from Wikipedia

Faggot, fagot, or faggoting may refer to:
faggot or fagot, branch or twig, or bundle of these

Jans [67]
2011-03-13 01:08:03 🔗
[13 years, 362 days ago]

You're both a bundle of twigs. Happy? ;)

Alllotrope [54]
2011-03-13 01:08:44 🔗
[13 years, 362 days ago]

Very :D Thanks Captain Jans.

Mcjism [71]
2011-03-13 01:56:57 🔗
[13 years, 362 days ago]

hahahaha, this is funny... really...

Off [116]
2011-03-13 21:52:48 🔗
[13 years, 362 days ago]

Grow up Allo... That's all I can say to you

Alllotrope [59]
2011-03-14 00:34:34 🔗
[13 years, 361 days ago]

Thanks for the advice, wise and all knowing Off :)

irchris [32]
2011-03-14 02:55:18 🔗
[13 years, 361 days ago]

LOL wow thanks guys! :)

Spam [33]
2011-03-14 04:34:09 🔗
[13 years, 361 days ago]

This is great.

Off [116]
2011-03-14 05:54:02 🔗
[13 years, 361 days ago]

I know more than you Allo, tbh :)

Alllotrope [61]
2011-03-14 05:55:34 🔗
[13 years, 361 days ago]

Lol. Whatever you think buddy. You don't know me, you don't know shit.

Jans [67]
2011-03-14 05:59:32 🔗
[13 years, 361 days ago]

e-peen chart!

8==D Alan
8=====D Allo
8=====D Off

It's a tie!

Off [116]
2011-03-14 06:06:40 🔗
[13 years, 361 days ago]

Allo is a girl u fool ^^

Samuli [68]
2011-03-14 06:09:36 🔗
[13 years, 361 days ago]

Dear Alan, "Faggot." isn't a proper sentence.

numbertwo [41]
2011-03-14 06:58:16 🔗
[13 years, 361 days ago]

N Number Two [77]
<Guild Of AwesomeMen>

2011-03-12 20:50:49
[1 day ago]
no probs.

and dont bother with neverstop, if you see a guy that has NaN for his ratio but alot of wins, thats autofag labeler.

N NeverStop [31]
<Dark Legacy>

2011-03-12 20:52:09
[1 day ago]

LOOOL i just noticed this! i actually made a new bot and as i trundled around fight list i noticed a guy with like 300 wins and no losses so i gave him some. so after a message saying :

Recipient: NeverStop [32] <Dark Legacy>

Re: amazing

NeverStop [32]
<Dark Legacy>

2011-03-13 08:53:02
[22 hours ago]
what a fuckin idiot, did u make a con bot just to get me 1 loss ? lol do you think i care lool

i thought what the hell is with this guy, i just randomly beat him. but now i saw this again and well, quite a lol moment. Guess what motherfucker, i did came and got you.

Chillaap [52]
2011-03-14 07:10:39 🔗
[13 years, 361 days ago]

Hahaha awesome :D

Forum > Bugs > Bug maybe?
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