
Forum > Bugs > Nexus 4 and navigation auto scroll
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Fishwick [130]
2012-12-18 09:29:55 🔗
[12 years, 38 days ago]

Just got my fancy new nexus 4 and when I try to scroll down the page the navigation keeps scrolling with me and forum and below get clipped off. Gonna disable the scrolling but figured you may as well know

Ender [1]
2012-12-24 00:21:21 🔗
[12 years, 32 days ago]

Yeah, I think this is why the option to disable the scrolling was added to the workshop in the first place. The game in general could use some work for mobile.

Enjoy the Nexus 4. :)

Forum > Bugs > Nexus 4 and navigation auto scroll
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