
Forum > Bugs > Fight history bug
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Myriad [342]
2013-04-25 04:32:02 🔗
[11 years, 307 days ago]

I was checking the fight history on one of my bots today and I noticed something a bit strange:


As highlighted in the image, the time at which I dumped the wins was 12:21, which is at odds with the current bots time of 3:55. The obvious explanation is that the fight history shows the time for when I dumped the wins according to my actual time rather than bots time (5 hours ago for my time zone would match 12:21).

I'm not certain this is a bug, but I thought I would raise the issue anyway, as it seems silly that the fight history would follow a different time line to mail/forum posts.

Leader2 [136]
2013-04-25 07:40:35 🔗
[11 years, 307 days ago]

I've noticed something like this recently with b-mails and forum posts

it will say 1 hour ago when i posted or sent the b-mail well over 1 hour ago

say i sent a b-mail at 10:47 and return to the computer at 12:32 and read the b-mail it will still say 1 ago but i know its more than 1 hour because when i return to the computer in college i've been in that lesson for more than 1 hour

Fishwick [131]
2013-04-25 08:05:05 🔗
[11 years, 307 days ago]

That's just the way it rounds, leader. Not enough space to say x hours, x minutes and x seconds

Ender [1]
2013-04-26 02:21:04 🔗
[11 years, 306 days ago]

Thanks for the bug report, Myriad. You are correct: the timestamps were being rendered in the user's local time zone. This should be fixed now, but keep an eye out for problems still. Time zones can be...fun to work with. :)

This bug was isolated to the fight history page because it is very different from the way other pages are rendered. Unlike other pages which are rendered pretty much entirely in PHP, much of the fight history page is rendered in JavaScript to make its advanced filtering/sorting features easier to implement.

I'm really surprised this went unreported for this long given how many players are from outside the ET timezone. The new fight history page was added in early 2012 and so ever since then, local times have been shown on that page.

And Leader, as Fishwick said, that's expected. It always rounds down, so for example, 119 minutes ago will be "1 hour ago".

shoyuken [175]
2013-04-27 09:29:12 🔗
[11 years, 305 days ago]

It's a good thing this was noticed otherwise checking people's fight logs would have been very confusing

Esvrainzas [134]
2013-04-27 17:02:33 🔗
[11 years, 304 days ago]

I noted this along ago. It was nice to see when I had played (the real hours for me and not the bots time) so I never thought in report it...

Ender [1]
2013-04-28 14:25:10 🔗
[11 years, 303 days ago]

I do want to give the option for users to see timestamps in their local time, but it's sadly a big undertaking to do this when it wasn't baked in from the beginning.

Forum > Bugs > Fight history bug
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