Boondock Saints pointed out he didn't have his platinum trophy despite clearly having the all star trophy. It isn't counting in the total trophy count, where as people with a different platinum trophy still has them all counted. Scattershot also has this happening to him, also with all star being his only platinum.
Boondock Saints [120] <Valhalla>
i got mine back after donating again but is a bit suss |
same here ;) |
Ok Boondock and Scatter donated again and it counts the platinum once again so ignore that bit lol. But there's still others who are missing it, and also some who have it. Missing Has I thought the variable might be multiple donations but that's not it. Not sure what the cause is. |
Something with the new plats added? |
That's definitely a primary suspect. |
Doesn't count discounts either. |
Shadowfax has brought foward that one of his bots has lost its Platinum Count and lost the discount |
I'm pretty sure that i had 6040ish trophypoints yesterday? |
Administrator |
I think I know what's going on here (it's indeed related to adding the new platinums last night), but I won't be able to take a closer look at this until late tonight or sometime tomorrow night. If I determine that some trophy points were incorrectly lost, I'll be able to reimburse people via backups and such. |
Great. I'm absolutely certain that i've lost around 500 trophypoints since yesterday. It's not a big deal, but seems odd :) |
Benny dug up a thread and showed it to me earlier. Was that case related to adding trophies too? I'm just curious. |
Administrator |
tl;dr: This should be fixed now, sorry for the trouble! Short version: This was the exact same bug from almost two years ago (great find Benny/Gpof, that link helped a lot), meaning it only affected bots whose only platinum was All Star. MikeiiiBoy, I checked your trophy points in the 8/6 12:05am backup, you had 5,474 so I don't think you were affected. Long version: Now let me see if I can clearly explain what happened for those that are interested and perhaps my future benefit. :) Platinum counts (and other trophy types) are cached because it would be too expensive to compute them as often as they are needed. In normal circumstances, the cached platinum value is kept updated automatically with database triggers; every modification to a relevant record in the database automatically updates the cached value. 2 years ago, a bug was discovered in this trigger where it would compute the wrong value for bots whose only platinum was All Star. That bug was fixed and the trigger has worked properly since. Triggers work great for single updates to single records. For example, a new record is inserted representing a new platinum for a bot: it's not a problem for the game to recompute that bot's platinum count because it's just a single bot and this happens relatively infrequently. This is what happens in normal circumstances, but occasionally, many trophies are added at once. The two most obvious examples are (1) at the end of the month and (2) backfill operations like the one done a couple days ago. For these operations, we don't want to add a trophy, recompute cached values, add another trophy, recompute cached values again, and so on; it would be much better to add all trophies and them recompute all cached values just once. The code for this is very similar to the triggers except that it operates on all bots instead of a single bot. Do you see where the bug is yet? The trigger-like code that operates on all bots had the bug from 2 years ago affecting bots whose only platinum was All Star. Bots that acquired a new trophy since the backfill a couple days ago had the trigger with the correct code run and overwrite the incorrect cached value; this is why Boondock Saints got the trophy count back after donating (it could have been from any trophy, other bots got it back from things like setting their country). The kicker in all of this? The bugged trigger-like code was borrowed from the end-of-month script, meaning it's very likely this bug has been around forever, kicking in at the start of each month, but quickly being corrected by the database triggers. When the next month rolls around, I'm going to look at bots with only All Star to confirm. |
MikeiiiBoy, I checked your trophy points in the 8/6 12:05am backup, you had 5,474 so I don't think you were affected. Okay. It was'nt an attemp to gain more trophypoint. I trust your backup, but I'm still quite sure that I had about 6000 trophypoints. But since your backup says otherwise, I must be wrong. |
Administrator |
The only other possibility then is that you got ~500 trophy points between the time of the database backup (8/6 12:05am ET) and the trophy update (8/6 9:45pm ET). Looking at your trophies, that doesn't seem to have been the case. I'm pretty confident this bug only affected players in the way described above (specifically, those whose only platinum is All Star), so I think you must have been mistaken. FWIW, I've been wanting to add an audit log of trophy points and that would be useful here. E.g., "2pm, you earned 180 points from your new platinum trophy, new balance 1,000", "3pm, you spent 125 points on a buff, new balance 875", and so on. |
Any way we can get the trophy points back? I'm not worried about it, it was only a platinum - there will be many more for me to get =p |
You mean from buff purchases made during the bug I assume? |
but if you gained a plat that would mean you would only spend 113 on a buff not 125 :P |
Administrator |
I assume you mean points spent on buffs at the undiscounted rate? Sorry no, this still applies (fortunately the bug was only active a day or two, so it's a very minimal number of points):