
mikozieg4 [38]
2011-03-21 03:42:15 🔗
[13 years, 354 days ago]

This probably ain't a bug, but I just wanted to know why this appears. After fighting someone a few times, and clicking on the "Back to fight list" link, this shows up...

Emanuel [81]
2011-03-21 04:36:15 🔗
[13 years, 354 days ago]

This happens when the fight list you try to view is outside your level range.

mikozieg4 [50]
2011-03-21 05:43:05 🔗
[13 years, 354 days ago]

It IS on my level range, otherwise I can't fight someone on that level tier.

Emanuel [81]
2011-03-21 05:44:07 🔗
[13 years, 354 days ago]

But you or your opponent can level up.

Jans [70]
2011-03-21 07:09:05 🔗
[13 years, 354 days ago]

Some error messages could be a bit more clear indeed.

Also, now the game is open, maybe the 'you fucking idiot' message should be altered a bit :P
(or just change it to bots2-style, where '(no subject)' was added when no subject was provided. 9 out of 10 bmails, i dont have a subject other than 'Hi'...)

gr33n [68]
2011-03-21 08:39:04 🔗
[13 years, 354 days ago]

In this case it is most likely that you levelled up during your fights.
You will return to the level-range you last visited (i.e. 49).

If you levelled to 50, it tries to access the 49 bots, and then it shows the message, as you are not allowed to attack them.

Ender [35]
2011-03-21 10:56:09 🔗
[13 years, 354 days ago]

Before the "back to fight list" link was updated to bring you back to the level range you were looking at (as opposed to whatever your current level is), the only way to be on a level range lower than your current level was to manipulate the URL. Hence, "cut the shit" because the person would have known how they got where they got and would have understood the slightly-amusing message.

Now that you can go back to the level range you were looking at with the "back to fight list" link, you can levelup while fighting and end up trying to view a lower level range because of this.

I will change the link to go back to "max(currentLevel, viewedLevel)" instead of just "viewedLevel".

Also, side-note: most of the other game errors are intentionally vague. I'd rather not give specific details about why a request went wrong in cases where it was probably a result of URL/form field manipulation intended to do something against the rules as that sort of feedback can only hurt me.

Emanuel [82]
2011-03-21 11:08:04 🔗
[13 years, 354 days ago]

'I will change the link to go back to "max(currentLevel, viewedLevel)" instead of just "viewedLevel".'

Don't forget the much less likely scenario when your target levels up and falls outside your attack range.

Patrick Bateman [20]
2011-03-25 12:03:02 🔗
[13 years, 350 days ago]

I must say, I did like this message:
