
Forum > Bugs > Disbanded Clans in Longevity Ranking
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Zord [64]
2017-09-28 03:11:01 🔗
[7 years, 161 days ago]

How will you ever beat a disbanded clan with ___ points? http://bots4.net/history/longevity/clans/energy/all

Shouldn't they perhaps keep their points, even though they are disbanded? :)

Ender [1]
2017-11-19 18:34:18 🔗
[7 years, 109 days ago]

I'm not sure I understand, can you or someone else clarify if I'm missing something?

Disbanded clans don't show blank numbers of points. They can be beaten by obtaining more the displayed number of points. Were you perhaps incorrectly seeing one of the correctly-empty columns (owner, members, plats) as the points column?

Forum > Bugs > Disbanded Clans in Longevity Ranking
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