
Forum > Bugs > Bots calculator
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Benadams [44]
2022-03-31 03:47:01 🔗
[2 years, 298 days ago]

Any one else able to use the build calculator? As soon as I click to equip an armour it just changes the first one I picked?

Ender [1]
2022-05-13 17:58:25 🔗
[2 years, 254 days ago]

Is this https://edmazur.com/bots/build_calculator.php or something else? If that, I poked around very briefly and it seems to work for me. If you could share a quick screen capture or something of what you're doing and details about what browser/version you're using, I can try taking a look.

Forum > Bugs > Bots calculator
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