
Forum > Suggestions > CRY FOR HELP!!!!!!
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mathwlsk [48]
2011-05-07 08:55:40 🔗
[13 years, 307 days ago]

okay something has to be done about high level bots attacking lower level bots and it needs to be done ASAP! its really killing my ratio and im sure there are more bots with this problem so please please please do something

Link [70]
2011-05-07 08:56:52 🔗
[13 years, 307 days ago]

it shows the current level of the bot that atacked you, not the level they attacked you at.

Jans [76]
2011-05-07 08:57:11 🔗
[13 years, 307 days ago]

Higher level bots can't attack lower levels (yet). It may seem that way when you look at the fight log, but that's because they've leveled up in the mean time. At the time they attacked you, they were lower or equal level.

Link [70]
2011-05-07 08:57:28 🔗
[13 years, 307 days ago]


Link [70]
2011-05-07 08:57:45 🔗
[13 years, 307 days ago]

damn you jans!

Jans [76]
2011-05-07 09:01:09 🔗
[13 years, 307 days ago]

(and yes, that part about the fight log needs to change, it's on Ender's to do list)

Forum > Suggestions > CRY FOR HELP!!!!!!
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