
Forum > Suggestions > Message all clan members
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Nunchaku [63]
2011-05-13 15:21:37 🔗
[13 years, 301 days ago]

Think there should be a feature added to message all of your clan members in one botmail. Only avalible to leaders/people selected on the ranks?

Sera [111]
2011-05-13 16:56:18 🔗
[13 years, 301 days ago]

That existed in bots2 and will prolly feature in bots4 , but due to the already low members in a clan compared to bots2 it shouldnt be too hard in doing it manually (god knows i hv send it enough manually in my clan(s) ). Shouldnt be therefore a high priority item on enders todo list.

Nunchaku [63]
2011-05-13 17:29:35 🔗
[13 years, 301 days ago]

I've done it manualy as well. This is the suggestion forums... hence the suggestion lol. There isnt a "to be implemented" list anywhere.

Sera [111]
2011-05-13 17:31:05 🔗
[13 years, 301 days ago]

Yeah, there isnt, enders got one but not one for public viewing :p Anyways most 'small' (clan profiles, bot pictures, clan forums, fight history.. etc..) details that bots2 had will most likely be implemented is a good to go by to do list.

Shadowfax [96]
2011-05-14 04:34:31 🔗
[13 years, 300 days ago]

I believe it already is on his todo list

Im Dead [51]
2011-05-14 11:13:51 🔗
[13 years, 300 days ago]

Increase the clan member number to 100 or better where it belongs then the will be a need for it. Just saying, because keeping it at 20 members is a joke actually.

Hobo [101]
2011-05-14 19:25:13 🔗
[13 years, 300 days ago]

dude... go play bots2.. oh wait.. you cant, so live with it

kenson [71]
2011-05-14 23:44:33 🔗
[13 years, 299 days ago]

Good one Hobo :P

Gpof2 [75]
2011-05-14 23:46:51 🔗
[13 years, 299 days ago]

Pretty sure we'll have a 100 clan size on release. It'd be hard to know if the energy system is effective if one clan takes it all.

Sera [111]
2011-05-15 06:19:15 🔗
[13 years, 299 days ago]

Definitely not 100. Ender likes small clans being competitive.

Sera [111]
2011-05-15 06:33:40 🔗
[13 years, 299 days ago]

Besides that I dont support 100 either.. Its a tad too much to be honest. Best clan size I think atm would be 30-35-40, particularly in the start up phase. Maybe if we reach the queue lines again then we can think of expanding it again. Slowly one by one ;)

Hobo [101]
2011-05-15 06:42:57 🔗
[13 years, 299 days ago]

Talking about that, is there a max online limit?

Alan [95]
2011-05-15 09:29:52 🔗
[13 years, 299 days ago]

No. When the game was released there were 90+ people online for quite awhile. Ender said it didn't harm the server at all.

Hobo [101]
2011-05-15 09:31:23 🔗
[13 years, 299 days ago]

i think it was 150 or 200 or something on bots2 aye? cant remember exactly but i know it had one

Alan [95]
2011-05-15 09:32:05 🔗
[13 years, 299 days ago]

150 for normal. with 50+ for star users.

Im Dead [53]
2011-05-16 13:10:17 🔗
[13 years, 298 days ago]

Dude, continue being a fool that agrees with what other people tell you things should be like. Don't form your own opinion about anything and make sure you tell people that may not simply go with the flow like you do or agree with you to jump off some cliff.

The facts are this, bots 4 IS the same as bots 2. It looks exactly the same and it pretty much plays the same except for a few misguided real wars changes it is the same.

All I'm saying is that if it worked for bots 2 then why try to change anything, make EVERYTHING be the same. Just add to what was already there and IMPROVE it...

ActiveX [119]
Head Moderator
2011-05-16 13:39:06 🔗
[13 years, 298 days ago]

Irony at it's best.

Berating someone for agreeing with others & not thinking for themselves. Whilst they themselves back the status quo & don't think for themselves ^^

Sera [112]
2011-05-16 13:45:22 🔗
[13 years, 298 days ago]

Let me sum up every post Im dead says:

"Bots 4 sucks. I want Bots2. I will post in topics that are only remotely related to that and derail it with my comments".

Hobo [102]
2011-05-16 19:22:17 🔗
[13 years, 298 days ago]

I HAVE ALSO NOTICED THIS..sorry i lent on caps =) but yes, he is starting grate on my nerves. Think ima rape him...

Forum > Suggestions > Message all clan members
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