
Forum > Suggestions > i hate it
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Goo [66]
2011-05-25 11:26:20 🔗
[13 years, 289 days ago]

seeing things you want to buy pass you bye because you are a level or two or an item away from being able to use it, so you should be able to buy stuff without the stats just the kudos

Goo [66]
2011-05-25 11:27:11 🔗
[13 years, 289 days ago]

i've seen 2 satans claws and two troll shoe waiting for a manic and a dragon claw..

Goo [66]
2011-05-25 11:46:53 🔗
[13 years, 289 days ago]

And i realize this has bin suggested.. just thought i'd renew it.

Agile Azrael [68]
2011-05-25 12:03:38 🔗
[13 years, 289 days ago]


Gpof2 [96]
2011-05-25 13:06:47 🔗
[13 years, 289 days ago]

Would be nice, but could be frustrating as well. There would be a lot more instances where somebody beats you to an item. Still a good idea, since there are plenty of items going to waste too.

SaiyanZ [104]
2011-05-25 13:22:03 🔗
[13 years, 289 days ago]

Yep, I could just sit there and buy everything I see just to mess with people.

Gpof2 [96]
2011-05-25 13:24:41 🔗
[13 years, 289 days ago]

You could make a level 100 str bot and do that anyway x]

Shadowfax [96]
2011-05-27 02:56:48 🔗
[13 years, 287 days ago]

If you want to equip something you should have to have the stats required... It sucks when you're level 129 and at 130 you can finally use those shade armlet gloves... then opps they're gone right before you leveled! But thems the breaks man

Detox [30]
2011-05-31 11:59:00 🔗
[13 years, 283 days ago]

I don't think would be a good idea considering, without stars, you're only allowed one vacancy/unused item slot. Getting the stats for the item is half the battle

Forum > Suggestions > i hate it
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