
Forum > Suggestions > wepons and armor
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punks [58]
2011-01-01 19:47:40 🔗
[14 years, 68 days ago]

If i am correct weapons and armor in bots2 could not be repaired. If ender does the special weapons and armor. I think there should be a black smith that would fix your weapons or armor. even for a hefty price. instead of loosing your item. i would like to hear your guys input.

Emanuel [73]
2011-01-01 21:09:15 🔗
[14 years, 68 days ago]

Equipment in bots2 was repaired (if needed) automatically after every fight. I believe there used to be an option to enable/disable the automatic repairing, but it was removed since everyone had it enabled anyway.

Ender [25]
2011-01-01 22:33:56 🔗
[14 years, 67 days ago]

Equipment damage and repair will be added before release.

Alan [43]
2011-01-01 22:38:53 🔗
[14 years, 67 days ago]

With what emanuel said about everyone having it enables anyway. I read the documentation on bots2 and i think it said like 2-3% had it disabled.

ForThePeople [77]
2011-01-08 14:58:45 🔗
[14 years, 61 days ago]


Forum > Suggestions > wepons and armor
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