
Ideotik God [69]
2011-07-21 11:45:11 🔗
[13 years, 221 days ago]

After taking a good hard look, I think the defense on Holy Plate of Light Boots needs to be raised to make it worth even being in the game. The required str to attain it is 280, 60 stat points over troll shoe but offers only 13 points of defense and you lose a +5 to your overall stats.

I think it would be fair to perhaps alter it from 104 defense to between 125 & 130, considering that Shade Armlet Boots is at 150, this would split that gap. Also maybe even considering changing the strength boost from +9 to +11 or +12.

I think this change would make it a worth while boot armor between Troll Shoe and Shade Armlet.


Ideotik God [69]
2011-07-21 11:53:13 🔗
[13 years, 221 days ago]

Also, on the topic of the HPL armor, I think the defense of the HPL Gloves needs to be raised as well to better place it between Satans Claw and Shade Gloves. The stat modifiers is on par and I don't think they need to be changed but the defense offered by HPL Gloves I think needs to be altered to 135 or 140.

Ideotik God [69]
2011-07-21 11:59:16 🔗
[13 years, 221 days ago]

Manic Cranium should also have the durability altered to at least 1000. I consider it part of the Troll & Satans "Gear" which both have durability at 1200.

I also believe the HPL Helm is a bit under defensed considering the gap between Manic and HPL and HPL to Shade. I think to make it more "evened" it should be raised to 225 or 230.

Alan [118]
2011-07-21 19:42:12 🔗
[13 years, 221 days ago]

+1 to all things said. It would increase the use of HpoL stuff as I only use hpol helm/gloves when the strength is RIGHT around them. Otherwise just pump the strength some or get a different weapon.

Good work Nos.

Off [116]
2011-07-22 04:15:48 🔗
[13 years, 220 days ago]

I think these ideas came up after that discussion on IRC, and yeah, agreed to all what was said :)

klassick [78]
2011-07-22 12:20:26 🔗
[13 years, 220 days ago]

No Off, thses ideas came aup a long time ago. LIke I stated I had previously requested the change to floR. The idea to reiterate the request to Ender came up because of the descussion on Irc, which made me look at them again in more detail.

Dragon Summoner [71]
2011-07-22 21:46:01 🔗
[13 years, 220 days ago]

Fuck you and fuck your balance changes you stupid faggot.

DarkNinjaMaster [67]
2011-07-22 22:28:12 🔗
[13 years, 220 days ago]

Wow angry but yeah.