
Nosferatu [65]
2011-07-30 16:31:41 🔗
[13 years, 212 days ago]

This is what Ender currently has on his site.

1.30 - level 1-35
1.10 - level 36-80
1.08 - level 81-150
1.05 - level 151-180
1.03 - level 181+

I suggest a change to something like this

1.15 - level 1-10
1.25 - level 11-35
1.18 - level 36-55
1.11 - level 56-80
1.09 - level 81-130
1.07 - level 131-160
1.05 - level 161-180
1.03 - level 181-275
1.02 - level 276+

I think this will help people who haven't played level up quicker in the very early stages hopfully making them want to continue to play more. :)

Then a change later on to help balance out leveling at much later stages once you reach lvl 135 or 140.

Ender [1]
2011-07-30 17:02:44 🔗
[13 years, 212 days ago]

I think this will help people who haven't played level up quicker in the very early stages hopfully making them want to continue to play more. :)

The next game update (probably next, anyway) actually addresses this issue of how slow the game appears for new players starting out.

Nosferatu [65]
2011-07-30 17:08:54 🔗
[13 years, 212 days ago]

Awesome. what do you think about the latter level suggestions? I think widening the array a bit and giving more drop-offs would be a nice bonus and addition.

Ender [1]
2011-07-30 17:36:23 🔗
[13 years, 212 days ago]

I'd like the difficulty of obtaining high levels in bots4 to be comparable to the difficulty of having done so in bots2, so I'm less open to changes on that end.

Nosferatu [65]
2011-07-30 17:38:23 🔗
[13 years, 212 days ago]

Ah fair enough.