
Saiyan Z [140]
2011-08-11 02:42:00 🔗
[13 years, 201 days ago]

I've just thought of a simple fix that will nerf the energy dumping from lower level bots.

Have things just the way they are now but multiply the energy gained and lost by the difference in levels. So:

Lower level beats a higher level: Energy gained = 20x(opponents level)/(your level) Lower level loses against higher level: Energy lost = 10x(your level)/(opponents level)

This will give a bonus for fighting higher levels and lower the amount of energy dumped to higher level bots. I used 20 and 10 as the averages but this will vary as usual, 16-24 and 8-12.

faceface [141]
2011-08-11 02:45:15 🔗
[13 years, 201 days ago]

This would be easy to abuse... just sayin'.

Allotrope [112]
2011-08-11 02:48:32 🔗
[13 years, 201 days ago]

How about you say more and elaborate instead of giving useless comments?

faceface [141]
2011-08-11 02:54:05 🔗
[13 years, 201 days ago]

How about you say more and elaborate instead of giving useless comments?


faceface [141]
2011-08-11 03:17:09 🔗
[13 years, 201 days ago]

Example: I have a really good lv 140 bot. I make it shitty so my lv 105 bot can rape it. then i fix the 140 bot. now I have a lv 105 bot with a bunch of energy. I can whore it out and take all its energy + bonuses with my lv 80 bot and so on.

Maybe this is a technique people will justify, but it sounds quite shady to me...

Allotrope [112]
2011-08-11 03:20:11 🔗
[13 years, 201 days ago]

Except Ender is implementing the 30 day IP thing which will limit the abuse.

faceface [141]
2011-08-11 03:25:01 🔗
[13 years, 201 days ago]

The "30 day IP thing" will be more effective under our currant system.

Saiyan Z [140]
2011-08-11 03:25:37 🔗
[13 years, 201 days ago]

Any abuse that this will cause can be done with the current system. I will give the pros and cons later. Got to run to work. Lots more pros than cons. The only way to really abuse would be to make a bunch of perfect bots 30% higher than your level. Score with them, then whore and fight with your main bot. Much more difficult to do than lower levels dumping energy because a bot 30 levels is more difficult to whore properly and your main bot will level like crazy because of fighting bots 30 levels higher with at lease a 0.6 ratio. So their benefit would wear off quickly.

There are more pros but will give them later.

faceface [141]
2011-08-11 03:27:05 🔗
[13 years, 201 days ago]


faceface [141]
2011-08-11 03:42:59 🔗
[13 years, 201 days ago]

I understand where your going with this. But it feels like the problem is not getting fixed. It's just getting flipped upside down.

Myriad [159]
2011-08-11 06:33:25 🔗
[13 years, 200 days ago]
and your main bot will level like crazy because of fighting bots 30 levels higher

Won't this make it even less enticing to level up as you'll get targeted more, while at the same time causing you to level up through attacking much higher level bots? It's a good idea to provide more benefits for targetting higher level bots, but I just don't know if it will work.

Charmander [101]
2011-08-11 06:54:21 🔗
[13 years, 200 days ago]

The leveling up is your choice. You can still fight bots closer to your level and get less exp. If you can beat a high ratio bot 30 levels above you then you deserve to get more energy per fight. Very few people will be able to take energy from bots too high a level anyway. If your're whoring higher level bots to transfer energy then your main bot is going to grow very fast whilst the whore bots hardly grow. So it will be much more time consuming and less worth the effort to make energy dumpers than it is now.

Marvin [113]
2011-08-11 11:59:07 🔗
[13 years, 200 days ago]

In any case I say we try and find out. The lack of "real" bots fighting one another needs to be addressed and I think Ender's suggestions are in the right direction to help that become more of the case.

Esquire1 [102]
2011-08-11 20:12:50 🔗
[13 years, 200 days ago]

Another way to go would be to take a percentage of your opponent's energy, much like how the kudo system currently works.

Alan [120]
2011-08-11 21:01:49 🔗
[13 years, 200 days ago]

I'm not sure a % would work. Lookie here.

Right now, if a bot had 100 energy, you can take up to 24 energy. That is 1/4 of their energy.

So, if a bot has 100k energy, you will take 25000 from him? I think not. A tier is in order.

Esquire1 [102]
2011-08-12 12:13:18 🔗
[13 years, 199 days ago]

Try that the other way. If a bot has 25000 energy, you take 25 from them. If a bot has 100 energy, you take 1 from them as long as they have some energy.

Megamind [73]
2011-08-12 12:40:27 🔗
[13 years, 199 days ago]

The biggest issue I have with this is it fucks those that have lots of monthly energy gain more than anyone else.

Kenorb [110]
2011-08-12 14:06:09 🔗
[13 years, 199 days ago]

Isn't that the point? The ones with the most energy gain will (likely) be the best bots and not whores.

ActiveX [112]
Head Moderator
2011-08-12 14:07:55 🔗
[13 years, 199 days ago]

but your suggestion makes it incredibly hard for them to hold on to it. especially if the attacker still has the advantage under that system.