
Jans [51]
2011-02-16 05:10:17 🔗
[14 years, 11 days ago]

I don't like parallel discussions of different topics in the same thread. They get too long and cluttered, people don't read, stuff gets repeated. So let's discuss this one here.

What level should someone be before he can join or found a clan?

My 2 cents:
As low as possible. Level 20 sounds alright. Both to join as well as to found.

I don't understand reasoning like 'but then there will be so many noobclans!'. Yea, so? They don't get to play? Let them try and fail. That's part of the game.

It doesn't mean it should come easy. Founding a clan should cost kudos. The Bots Union is a bureaucratic organisation with lots of staff and paperwork. What was the old Bots2 price? 150k i believe? Sounds good to me. And like before, clans with less than 3 members shouldn't show up on any list. That should take care of the people with noobophobia ;)

Emanuel [73]
2011-02-16 05:30:22 🔗
[14 years, 11 days ago]

I think lvl 100 to create and 50 to join is very acceptable. My opinion is that you should have to "earn" the right to found a clan, and that shouldn't take like 15 minutes.

This game needs more stuff that you have to fight hard for to get (like achievments that unlock different themes or whatever), otherwise many people will get tired quick because they're basically clicking for nothing.

Off [113]
2011-02-16 06:23:27 🔗
[14 years, 10 days ago]

I think it should be 40lvl for both (same as tournament minimum lvl). And it was 100k kudos.

Ender [26]
2011-02-16 07:49:20 🔗
[14 years, 10 days ago]

I was thinking more along the lines of what Emanuel said. I like the idea of having to work a bit to be able to start your clan. I think decreasing the level to join to 20 is okay, but 100 for starting would still be nice. That way if you want to be in a clan, it's not too much work, but if you want to start your own, you'll have to put in a bit more effort.

doDoT [89]
2011-02-16 09:06:13 🔗
[14 years, 10 days ago]

I think the level 100 to create a clan is fine, but it needs to be lower to join, like level 20. That way a new player can join a clan, if they catch on, good for that clan maybe they can hold onto the player or maybe once that player reaches 100 they leave and create there own clan, but at least they had a chance at first to be in an established clan and see what the game is like.

Shadowfax [73]
2011-02-16 10:10:55 🔗
[14 years, 10 days ago]

I'm still vehemently opposed to 100 to found a clan. Vehemently. Clan founding being a reward? No. There should be better rewards for 100. Is 100 hard? Not really, is is absurd? Yes.

40 to 50 to found a clan would be so much better. You're good enough for the tournament, you should be good enough to try and compete monthly. Not every clan is about winning the month. Some just try to have fun. Maybe people dont wanna have a clan full of 100's. Maybe its a tourney clan. who knows? 100 is still rediculious when FIFTY will get you into the HoF. Why reduce the ability to found clans to less than FIFTEEN bots (at this time). Sure that number will change. There will be more bots over 100 later on. But then we can discuss and change it later

Jans [51]
2011-02-16 13:52:00 🔗
[14 years, 10 days ago]

*adds vehemently to vocabulary*

Intsecuris [82]
2011-02-16 14:27:46 🔗
[14 years, 10 days ago]

*googles vocabulary*

dragonrose [34]
Head Moderator
2011-02-16 14:30:52 🔗
[14 years, 10 days ago]

I agree with Jorse, albeit less passionately.

40 seems a reasonable lvl for founder & 20 for members.

DarkNinjaMaster [64]
2011-02-16 17:17:47 🔗
[14 years, 10 days ago]

I think lower, Fifty to create and twenty to join.

Even level fifty can be pretty hard for a new player, I remember the first time I played bots years ago I didn't even get to level 100 after about three months. Sounds like I'm stupid right? Well me and half a dozen of my so-called stupid mates, ALL under level 100 sat around in the computer lab with our own clan, having a hell of good time. We almost got to 10 in the rankings once when my mate bought his bot a pair of Saex's.

Level 100 can be bloody hard to reach if you don't know what your doing. Say you don't understand INT and can't make a decent build, even getting 100k kudos is a mission, and if you do you can't even try to take over the bots4world?? We want new people to play, not get annoyed and quit.

Also you might think, what's a lvl 20 going to even do in a clan, theres no whores at lvl 20 for him to rape? Well they can get help and advice, in game, without having to go to the main forum (which might very well seem daunting to a noob, i know it was for me) without having to chat on IRC or b-mail everybody.

It's all well and good to have to put in work to earn the right to found a clan, but bots is the kind of game where you can put in lots of the wrong kind of work and get nowhere fast.

Basically I don't think we should dissadvantage noobs so much.

Ender [26]
2011-02-16 20:13:21 🔗
[14 years, 10 days ago]

I've come around a bit on the level to start a clan and now think 50 is reasonable. 20 to join sounds fine too - no sense in stifling community.

Not convinced on why the 20 bot limit wouldn't be good though. All I've really heard so far is that it was higher in bots2, so it should be higher in bots4. Yes, I get that the actual number of players per clan would be even lower than 20 because of alts, but I don't see this as a bad thing. Pick your teammates well. Competition will be greater and the barriers to entry for a new clan will be super low. I think we should at the very least try it and see how it goes.

Shadowfax [74]
2011-02-17 00:52:07 🔗
[14 years, 10 days ago]

20 clan size limit doesn't sound that bad to me for beta, we can test it and see how it does at the very least. I feel like it will lead to more competition and def trim all the "fat" from all the clans

Asmodeus [34]
2011-02-24 19:18:29 🔗
[14 years, 2 days ago]

I agree with Jans, make founding a clan and joining both level 20.. there is not reason why it shouldn't be this low.

Asmodeus [34]
2011-02-24 19:21:17 🔗
[14 years, 2 days ago]

Actually 50 sounds fine.

Intsecuris [91]
2011-02-25 13:30:20 🔗
[14 years, 1 day ago]

If you can start a clan at lvl 20, I vote that the startup fee should be raised to 1 million kudos.

Dragon Summoner [118]
2011-02-25 20:18:55 🔗
[14 years, 1 day ago]

Fuck all of you.

20 to create, 21 to join, 100k to found.

100 members max, 3 diplomacy slots.

You people changing the game, who do you think you are?

And please make it so tax works again.

Ender [26]
2011-02-25 21:19:25 🔗
[14 years, 1 day ago]

Well, tax works. I'm afraid you'll be disappointed about the other parts though.

tontofac3 [83]
2011-02-26 11:14:32 🔗
[14 years, 0 days ago]

hahaha Ender T-bags Dragon Summoner... darkninjamaster totally stole my exact words= copyright infringement

found clan at 50 an join 30... i really dont care bout the cost to be honest but 20 to join is pointless really.. players will do nothin at that level.. they wnt even have decent weapons.. at least around 30 they will start getting scarab blades and do some damage.. and like sm1 else stated before.. 20 is too easy to get too it takes like 15 minutes you should at least have to work your way up a lil bit more to be able to join so yea..

50-30 final!!