
Forum > Suggestions > clan mechanics: size / tax
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Jans [51]
2011-02-16 05:36:51 🔗
[14 years, 10 days ago]

Ender suggested 20 members as a max for clan size. Personally i like small clans. But like others suggested, many people tend to create more bots; 2, 3, more even. So with 20, there's maybe room for 10 actual players.

In regards to the newly proposed clan competion, where every clanmember gets an X amount of points to start the month with: How about we get clansize into this as well?

- The max amount a member starts the month with is 1,000 points
- The max amount a clan starts the month with is 20,000 points

So if a clan has more than 20 members, the amount per member drops. 40 members equals 500 points per member. But 5 members still means 1000 points per member.

That way, larger clans are possible, while having less initial benefit from their size, and whoreclans can still exist, but not grow stupidly large.

Should there be a clan treasury, like in Bots2? Its main purpose was to clean up inactive dead clans, and it was an attempt to keep clan sizes at bay - but that didn't work very well, with all the trainers.

How about this: instead of a kudo-tax, how about a threshold for points? At the start of a month any clan gets 20,000 points max. If a clan fails to hold on to 10% of that, for 3 months in a row, they get scrapped. Fair?

Emanuel [73]
2011-02-16 05:41:55 🔗
[14 years, 10 days ago]

To start with, the clan size should be kept pretty low. We don't know how many will be playing yet, if it's like 150 people, a clan size of 50 is just ridiculously high.

And let's make the clan scrapping a little more harsh, if your clan doesn't place in the top 25~ for 2 months in a row, it's bye bye.

Jans [51]
2011-02-16 05:45:08 🔗
[14 years, 10 days ago]

You're very strict :) Clans should be able to take time off though, so i don't think linking the threshold to the ranking system is the way to go.

Emanuel [73]
2011-02-16 05:48:52 🔗
[14 years, 10 days ago]

Then the clans should be able to take "vacation month"s, these months the clans won't show up on the HoF, and they can't earn any kind of cs.

Jans [51]
2011-02-16 05:57:17 🔗
[14 years, 10 days ago]

Fair enough. Not lose points either though.

Off [113]
2011-02-16 06:30:07 🔗
[14 years, 10 days ago]

for example: I am lonely player and I don't want to join some leader clans, and I wanna be alone in my clan, but if I don't get into top25 then I can't have my own clan? Not so fair tbh :)

Also what about size... 20 is really too low. For you - 20 maybe is good, you play on 1 bot, but not on others... Like Shoe for example. He was playing on like 10 bots lately...

Emanuel [73]
2011-02-16 06:39:41 🔗
[14 years, 10 days ago]

Being alone in a clan didn't work too well in bots2 either.

I bet the reason people started playing several bots at once was that it was too hard to find enough people to fill a clan.

Off [113]
2011-02-16 06:42:33 🔗
[14 years, 10 days ago]

It was hard to find enough GOOD players to fill the clan :)

Ender [26]
2011-02-16 07:54:59 🔗
[14 years, 10 days ago]

I don't know, I still like the idea of 20 bots per clan, even if that means 10 real players on average. The web game I played before bots was less active than we ever were, but the group size was limited to 10 with no alts and there was always plenty of competition for the top spot. Being able to have a huge clan with such a small community means that if one clan gets out too far ahead, they're impossible to catch and everyone else gives up. With smaller clans, the potential size of that gap is decreased and it's not as hard to fill up a solid team. Think of it more as cherry-picking an all-star team as opposed to being able to invite everyone and their cousins.

As for tax, I'm not sure I like performance-based rules. I do have some ideas for rewarding top clans (another topic in itself), but for now I think just the standard kudos tax is fine for weeding out the truly inactive. I will probably make the tax less than it was in bots2, but no promises.

Shadowfax [73]
2011-02-16 10:05:56 🔗
[14 years, 10 days ago]

20 seems a bit strict: I'm more of the fan of 25 to 30 if you want to go "low"

True we have no idea how many people are going to be playing but that doesnt mean we should just throw it at 20. People like to have alts. I know I do, and I'd like to have them in my clan if at all possible.

Tucks [78]
2011-02-18 05:45:22 🔗
[14 years, 8 days ago]

capped at 20 dosent leave much room for new players to get a go in a decent clan

Alan [67]
2011-02-18 08:16:47 🔗
[14 years, 8 days ago]

Ya, If i make a clan and its all my buds, 20 reaches quick. Then noobs can't join my clan to get experience. :) Take that mr. Ender.

Jans [51]
2011-02-18 08:34:48 🔗
[14 years, 8 days ago]

20 for starters is fine. If the game takes off, it can always be changed later on.

Tucks [80]
2011-02-18 08:36:55 🔗
[14 years, 8 days ago]

still think its going to be hard to take of when new players cant make a clan till level 100 and probably wont be able to join one

Jans [51]
2011-02-18 08:39:39 🔗
[14 years, 8 days ago]

That's another thread!!1one


tontofac3 [81]
2011-02-18 15:27:05 🔗
[14 years, 8 days ago]

Jans your awesome!!!
anyways yeah i agree 20 is fine for now.. when more players become active and join the game then it can be changed to like 30.. and yeah if a clan is inactive for 3 months or more they should be R.I.P.

Forum > Suggestions > clan mechanics: size / tax
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