I think the list should stop at 100 and their should be a link to the energy rankings at the top
Do you mean an anchor link to the new Today's Heists thing? An anchor would help, but i'd say put that info on a separate page. The clans-page has become mighty long... |
Administrator |
I agree it's a pain to get to the heists list, but I'm not sure how I want to solve it. I'm currently leaning towards adding a new tab component to the site's layout as this would be useful in some other places later on too. |
Anything to keep that page loading faster :P |
How long does it take you? Mine is < 1 second... |
3 - 5 secs before the page is done loading. It displays quicker than that though. |
Hmm, I suppose. I guess I am still confused on why there is more than one clan name on the heist list. Is it for each player? |
wtf is the heist list? |
A new table has been added to the clan rankings page showcasing the day's top energy heists. |
^ Check news and the bottom of the clan page. |
That's awesome! |
Is there a clan name for each person in the clan that steals energy for the day? |
I think so, it's like a HUGE "Fights in the past 7 days" thing. Just for orderd by total energy per day. |
Administrator |
There's an entry "clan A attacked clan B" for every such clan A with at least one member who attacked at least one member of clan B on the current day. |