
Forum > Suggestions > So you wanna some trophies...
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Jaziran [183]
2012-08-05 16:31:37 🔗
[12 years, 205 days ago]

I have few ideas here. I dont know how hard or easy some of those would be implement in game and dont wanna get too technical in all those litte details in every trophy. Also even if some say copper here, it would not be to hard to make silver/gold/plat one with little modification. Also someones might have been suggested earlier. But lets start now (and sorry for all the misspellings) :)


Spammer = Posts 1000 post with avarage leght over 100 marks

For the clan = Make 5 million donation to clan

Trainer bot = Be at least level 50 and have more trains than wins

Winner bot = Be at least level 50 and have more wins than trains

Loser bot = Be at least level 50 and have more losses than wins

They dont want me = Get kicked from the clan


Drop dead = Lose fight/train with out even getting chance to hit

Hard as the rock = Equip full kevlar set

Blocker = Get at least 70% block

Epic battle = Be part in fight/train that last at least 120sec


Harder than the rock = Equip full kevlar set + "some good shield"

My ass is sore = Get fully raped 5 times in 24hours

I really wanna do you = Fully rape bot that is atleast 50 levels higher than you

Not as tough as it looks = Win bot with ration 10 times higher than yours (when you self have ratio at least 10)

So even = Every stat at least 150

One big happy family = At least 10 active members of your clan are online at the same time

I breath bots = Bot must be at least 100 days old and have atlest 8 hours play time per day


We take over the world = 20 active members of your clan are online at the same time

One big community = At least 50 bots online at the same time

All alone in the world = Be only one online

Mayby this time it goes well = Reset bot atleast 10 times

I am made of money = Buy at least 100 stars

Late bloomer = Have at least 10.0 ration and 25000 losses

One mean bot = Have 80000 wins, 80000 trains and 20.0 ratio

And more to come... (some day) ;)

Coco [100]
2012-08-06 16:21:42 🔗
[12 years, 204 days ago]

I am made of money = Buy at least 100 stars

who's gonna spend 1k usd on a game?

Alan [71]
2012-08-06 16:56:20 🔗
[12 years, 204 days ago]
Look at most times collected.

A lot of those trophies are very good :)

neps [362]
2012-08-06 17:00:46 🔗
[12 years, 204 days ago]

who's gonna spend 1k usd on a game?
Someone who has a lot of money, I guess. One man's expensive is another man's cheap.
Leader2 [100]
2012-08-06 17:09:49 🔗
[12 years, 204 days ago]

rivan has bought over 100 stars :O

Warbringer [218]
2012-08-06 17:12:00 🔗
[12 years, 204 days ago]

All up it's probably closer to 200 :P

Coco [100]
2012-08-06 17:36:31 🔗
[12 years, 204 days ago]

1k usd is a bit much on a game imo, surely got better things to spend it on?

Made2shred [144]
2012-08-08 03:23:24 🔗
[12 years, 202 days ago]

Spammer = Posts 1000 post with avarage leght over 100 marks

i don't need any more encouragement

shadow_rith [112]
2012-08-08 08:09:57 🔗
[12 years, 202 days ago]

i spent it on bots 2. theres plenty of people that spend shit tons on any game. look at how many spend 1k on facebook.

MD Bandit [100]
2012-08-09 02:36:05 🔗
[12 years, 201 days ago]

Or Runescape, or WoW

SaiyanZ [130]
2012-08-09 06:37:12 🔗
[12 years, 201 days ago]

I made over $1k from bots in the last year. Some pocket money.

Made2shred [145]
2012-08-09 06:38:31 🔗
[12 years, 201 days ago]

O.O holy fuck

neps [363]
2012-08-09 09:33:16 🔗
[12 years, 201 days ago]
I made over $1k from bots in the last year. Some pocket money.

Botbuilding is indeed very rewarding. I've made quite a bit off this game myself. :)

Esvrainzas [157]
2012-08-12 16:30:21 🔗
[12 years, 198 days ago]

Returning to OP, i just want to say there is indeed alot of good suggestions. I really expect that Ender implement some of them.

DarkNinjaMaster [40]
2013-08-17 15:52:18 🔗
[11 years, 193 days ago]


Moar good suggestions I found with random search.

Forum > Suggestions > So you wanna some trophies...
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